Barry CRNA Starting 2016

Nursing Students SRNA


Hi everyone! Just wanted to start a thread for those applying to the CRNA program at Barry University starting January 2016! Comments, Questions, Concerns, Advice...

Also, is anyone in Miami interested in starting a GRE study group?

Specializes in MICU.

I am not giving up. I am remaining hopeful and continuing to cross things off my list. Best wishes to everyone! Keep us posted.

What was your GRE scores?? She told me my math score it's probably what's holding me back I did really good on verbal and writting! 4 out 6 verbal 153 math 146

just got the call. Got an interview next week! Good luck everyone!

crnatb: I got a 152 on both math and verbal. That is pretty much "average" from what ETS says.. so yeah I would retake it. If the interview doesn't go as planned I'm going to retake the GRE for future applications

Specializes in ICU.

At ecoomer1 you won't need to retake GRE. Those are excellent scores!

out of curiosity, how long is the waiting period after the interview until they start calling everyone up? Apparently they expect 16 (including me) applicants. And thanks @FAU2013. Hopefully I won't have to worry about the GRE in the next few weeks ;).

Specializes in ICU.

Waiting period varies from 3-14 days. You'll receive your responses the same day. Perhaps this might be a 3 day waiting period since head start classes start soon. Best wishes.

Specializes in ICU.

Good luck to everyone attending the interview tomorrow. We have an FB page for class of 2018. Do join us when you get your good news.

Just got out: they only asked me a few questions. Did anyone else interview with the asst director and a student? I was asked the typical "why Barry?" "Describe a typical day in your icu", "have you ever made a med error and how did you handle it?" And "why do you want to be an anesthetist".. I was told they like that I have Nicu and that I'm still kinda considered a "new grad". when I asked how they think it went they said "we think it went great, we encourage you to reflect how you think it as well"..?

Thoughts? They said I'll know in a week

Specializes in MICU.

Good luck ecoomer01 and everyone who interviewed today. I found out I need to get my GRE score up and CCRN if I am even going to be offered an interview, if there are still seats available. Thanks for the information. This helps a lot.

Specializes in ICU.

I PM'ed you ecoomer1. You received an interview because they liked your paperwork. The interview was short for everyone. We have this thing in our minds that its supposed to be longer than half our at a job interview. You'll probably know in 3 days. How many people attended the interview?

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