Bad position

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Hi every one

okay I need your help again.

okay here it is I have been taken these classes Structure and Function(vc) and Elements of nutrition(cc). I also will take CPR/AIDS/OSHA for Health Professional(vc). The LPN program is not accredited but the school is. I have also heard bad things about the program like: They not giving Med.Term. and refunded students money(no teacher), a few students didn.t know if they was going to graduate until a few hour before the big event(teacher didn't have grade ready). and last but pretty sure there is more the student have not went to clinicals on a certain topic of patients.(two weeks ago have not went yet, again no teacher.

Does it make sense to continue if my classes or credits don't trasfer?

Does that make you look bad? Will it hurt me some where down the line?

Now if i finish and get my license will I be okay? can I then practice in or another state and try for my RN later.

After finishing these classes, should I try another school. The class are classes they want you to have prior to going into the program. Other schools 40 to 45 mins away.

Sorry alot of ?????'s but I need you guys advice

Thanks alot

I know two women who graduated from an LPN program that was not accredited. They were not allowed to take the NCLEX, and cannot be licensed. One works as a ward clerk, the other as a CNA.

If I were you, I'd find out ASAP if you will be eligable to take boards if you graduate from this program.

I drive 45 minutes each way to school every day; you get used to it. In fact, it's nice "chill time" before I get home. I'm not telling you what to do, but if I were you, I would not be wasting my time where you're at right now. The best road to take is not always the easiest road, but it's worth it. Good luck to you!

Maybe you should take an English class, I couldn't even follow your post with so many grammatical errors.

Originally posted by OBNurseShelley

Maybe you should take an English class, I couldn't even follow your post with so many grammatical errors.

Wow, that was so RUDE!

Sometimes it's nice to follow the rule, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all."

Moonielove, I hope you disregard that post and just know that you will encounter rude people at times. When you do, try to blow it off. Maybe they're having a bad day.

I drive 50 minutes each way to get to my school and several others in my class live as far away as I do.

You need to consider what others will think of a nurse coming out of that school. the employers know if a school isn't giving you a good education and the best employers will not hire anyone who graduates from those schools.

It sounds like a longer drive now may give you a much easier road in a few years.

Originally posted by OBNurseShelley

Maybe you should take an English class, I couldn't even follow your post with so many grammatical errors.

TEACHER OBNurseShelley

First of all maybe you should pull your head out of your, you know what. Because this is not school my typing seem fine and readable to everybody else. I'm typing on a discussion board, not an essay. Maybe you sholud be right next to me in this English class so you can learn how to follow people posts. Not grade them. Are you in the wrong career? Seem like. Come be my teacher!


Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

(Are personal slams REALLY necessary to convey an opinion??? Come on....)

Specializes in ER, ICU, Nursing Education, LTC, and HHC.

I would like to know what school you are going to. we have one in OCala that is not accredited as well.

Originally posted by Monica RN,BSN

I would like to know what school you are going to. we have one in OCala that is not accredited as well.

I attend Pensacola Junior College in Pensacola, Florida

You may be able to bridge to RN at another school after working for a while as an LPN but you really need to find out whether you can be licensed in the first place after graduating from that program. It sounds like they have major issues to me. If I were you I'd cut my losses and go elsewhere.

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