Back from NLN - Nightmare!!!!


Hi guys!

I cant believe Im actually on here after with the way Im feeling right now! I finished the NLN exam at 1pm today. Unfortunately, I screwed it all up - In the Verbal, there are 80 sections as most of you know (and even I knew), however, after completing 60 questions, I thought I had finished. I guess from doing all the practice exams in the Review book, I just was so accustomed to stopping at Question 60 that I completely forgot. Immediately, I flipped back the pages to go over everything and never thought further about it. So then when it was time for the Math section, I reopened the booklet and saw questions 61-80 for the verbal and i almost had heart failure. I just couldnt believ it. How could i have been so stupid?? I couldnt even bubble in any old answer on the scantron sheet because we were not allowed under any circumstances to flip them over (and they were extremely strict).

So there I am in the exam fighting bcak the tears the entire time for the remainder of the exam and could hardly focus on the questions. I didnt even care at that point. In fact there were instances where I wanted to throw down the exam and walk out! It was like a total nightmare!!!! In fact, i think ive had this nightmare!!!!!! 20 questions down the tube!!! and the verbal is my favorite section! I have always been extremely proficient in English!

My heart is broken!!! I was hysterical for about 2 hours after the exam.

Anyway, I have only applied to one program at Hunter College - THE HARDEST NURSING PROGRAM TO GET INTO! It was my absolute dream to attend there. I have a 4.0 GPA which I have worked my ass of to maintain, and so I though it was possible for me to get in there. The students that get in there do FABULOUS on the NLN and they also have high GPA's so i know it's totally out of the question now! I probably failed the verbal section!!! 20 damn questions!!!

I was wondering if anyone knows of any inexpensive but reputable Nursing programs in NYC that I could maybe apply to now even though it's late. I cant go to NYU or any place like that cos cant afford it and am from a different country so cant get financial aid or scholarships!!! :(

I dont know what to do! I just cant believe i messed up like that!

Any words of advice or comfort would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

One more thing, does anyone know anything about New York Institute of Technology Nursing Program???

I am so sorry sweetie. I truly am. :(

Here's some good news:

You have a 4.0 average which will carry a ton of weight. You are clearly a very intelligent woman or you wouldn't have a perfect GPA.

A call into the school might also help. Tell them you had a bad cold or whatever and spaced a bit on the first section. I am sure you are not the first person to have done that.

The best news is that you are only graded on 60 of the 80 questions!! Now granted they are at random, but I have no doubt that a percentage of them were from the final part of the exam. Chances are 5 of them were experimental so now you are just down 15.

How did you do on the remainder of the test?! If you did well then you should be just fine. People in my testing center cheated. You could have gone back and guessed them all and no one would have even known. They told people to put their pencils down at the end of the test and some kept right on going without a word from the instructor. I was pretty irked.

You should applaud yourself for being a decent and moral person. That's not something a test can show and counts more for some stupid exam any day of the week.

Sending a hug your way.

Thank you sooo much Batman! U r a sweetheart!! :mad: Thats a half-ass smile!! Lol! Thank you for taking the time to reply - it really did help me feel a little better.

I cant believe that it was so easy to cheat where you took the exam. i didnt really look either side of me, but it seemd pretty strict in my exam.

Anyway, it was really hard for me to focus during the rest of the exam, so i wasnt concentrating on questions properly, you know?! But I do recall the Math not being too bad but I thought there were some difficult questions on the Science section! The Physics questions were tough though!

How did yours go? Let me know!! I hope you did great, and im sure you did!!!


P.S - Was the Newton question on your exam? The one on mine was "How many Newtons does an adult weigh?"

I amswered the Batman thread with my breakdown of the test. LONG AND FAST. lol I did have that question and put 50. I think someone here said that was right and hell if I know better. hehe

It would be hard to focus after that and I would feel awful too, but the 4/9 would cheer me up in a hurry!! hehe The math which I felt most confident in going into the exam freaked me out a bit. I got a little panicky for no reason, but finished and was able to check up to #24. The science irked me. lol

A girl a few rows in front of me was doing math when instructions were being read. I was frustrated as there are so few seats and that could really help her. The people working at the end appeared to be those that were really struggling. I had a few that even had trouble with the name sheet dut to what seemed like a language barrier problem. One guy I pased had 2 rows of the letter B so don't feel so bad. lol

Awww love, sorry to hear what happened! But, maybe with a talk w/the school advisor in the school you were hoping to attend so you can explain the situation. They must have noticed you left the last 20 blank..

Is it possible to retake the test before you apply to get in??

I can't help with NY schools as I am from Connecticut.

Again, I am so sorry that happened to you.

Thanks for your kind words! No - I will have to wait another year to take it again!! :( For this school anyway!

I know that BMCC have a really good program, and they base your acceptance solely on your GPA, so i know i could get in there, but it's an ADN Program, and i really want to do the Bachelor's. I really am confused as to what to do right now!

I am going to talk to Nursing Advisor next week, but i dont think it'll make a difference. They just pick the top 80 applicants (Its based on 50% GPA and 50% NLN) and thats it! Its extremely competitive. I dont think she's gonna care too much about what I have to say!

i almost cant believe my stupidity. Its weird! I guess my nerves were messing with me!

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

I'm so sorry; that is indeed heartbreaking.

It's probably not a lot of consolation, but we've all spaced on tests. Really.

Batman has wonderful advice about calling the school and explaining the situation. Plus, your 4.0 GPA is very attractive.

Please keep the faith. Hugs to you!

Thanks so much Don!!

I can make you feel better!

This exact thing happened to me......the only exception was that I was able to go over the last twenty and I picked one letter and guessed!

Somehow, I managed to score an 80 in the verbal section, so DON'T give up hope!

I am very sorry to hear about what happened, you are human, and humans always make mistakes.

I understand that you want to do the Bacchalor's degree, but don't count out BMCC or City tech for that matter, you have the GPA to apply, getting the ADN may just mean the long way around if you really want to start Nursing school this year. Also look into Stony Brook University, they have a great program as well although they are far out on long island, check out the SUNY schools, there is also LIU but i think they are expensive can't remember. Anyway, don't let this setback hold you back, your GPA will speak volumes for you at other programs you still have options even if its not your ideal option.

Thats horrible! But chin up girl! you have more than enough to get you in! And the results arent even in!

3 reasons to stay positive:

1) Biggest reason of all: You have a 4.0! You basically BAGGED 50% of the evaluating criteria!

2) With any luck, most of those last 20 questions could be the "survey questions". ;)

3) and finally...... You are not alone. I took the same taste you did (Hunter right?) and :( I actually didnt finish the verbal portion. Had difficulty guess-shading the rest of the bubbles. our proctor, for some reason was hounding our line after he saw me high-five my friend two seats away.

And im pretty sure there are others like us out there who did not finish! :rolleyes:

You know what though, I feel your pain with the "cheating". I actually saw some people get the chance to go over their work. Some even peeked. Saw a girl right in front of me TEXTING during breaks! (can you believe???!!!) And all this time I swear our proctor was watching me!

I dont understand it! what is so wrong with a few moments of randomly shading bubbles when Im not even looking at the questions???!!! :madface::madface::madface:

Oh well! Im trying not to dwell on it anymore. sniff sniff. My GPA is nowhere near a 4.0 and to tell yo uthe truth, Im banking on the NLN to get me in Hunter. With no back ups, I m amazed Im still sane though I still freak out a lot.

Right now, its of my hands!:rolleyes: Think positive!!

Oh, btw, i do love reading your posts! hehehe. I feel not so alone in this whole alien hunter-nursing-admissions planet!

Good luck to us and all the hunter hopefuls reading this thread!

gOOD luck to us nessa! :)

Thanks Caeiluna and all you guys!!!!!!!!!!! Your words mean so much!!!! I reallly didnt think anything could make me feel any better but kindness conquers everything.

It's disappointing to say the least, however, we cant change the past, so Im just gonna try and move on!!

Im just a little confused as to whether i should apply to BMCC for the ADN program!

Again, I really appreciate everyone taking the time to reply and make me feel better! You guys rock!!!

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