baccalaureate equivalency table from CNO

World Immigration


anyone who completed this table,,pls help me,,thank you


See shengs description of the BET in this thread

"The equivalency table consist of questions regarding Physical/Health Assessment, Health Promotion and Illness Prevention, Communication, Legal/Ethical/Social/Political Issues, Leadership, Research, and Critical Thinking/Problem Solving. All of your answers must be based on your nursing experience. This (together with your other proof of nursing courses/additional education/certificates/job desrciptions of your role and responsibilities from all your previous and recent employer) will be submitted to the CNO and it will be assessed and evaluated by the College's Registration Committee."


Specializes in Psychiatry.

Hi all! I sent my BET last November. Havent heard anything yet. I am a Registered Philippine/Norwegian Nurse currently here in Toronto on a multiple entry visa. Has anyone took courses (IV therapy, PHysical Assessment etc.) at Health Care Professionals Training Center in Lesmill Road by Don Mills and York Mills? :p

Pickles you already have the RPN eligibility?

R.U.serious when did you send your assessment kit to CNO? and when did you receive your BET?

goodluck on your way to get your eligibility.. we will all make it.. have faith always. :)

Hi all! I sent my BET last November. Havent heard anything yet. I am a Registered Philippine/Norwegian Nurse currently here in Toronto on a multiple entry visa. Has anyone took courses (IV therapy, PHysical Assessment etc.) at Health Care Professionals Training Center in Lesmill Road by Don Mills and York Mills? :p

Most Toronto healthcare employers do not view courses from private, unaccredited training centers as valid or reliable places for a nurse to enhance their knowledge or skills.

The physical assessment course offered at this school is only two days, there is no way that is enough time to do a proper review of physical assessment.

IV therapy training is provided by employers.


hi dishes..

thank you for the response..

so its more of stating your "duties and responsibilities" in each areas you were assigned in?

how about the other certificates? how do we send it to them?

do we just enclosed those certificates in our BET package?

do we need to authenticate it? or do we need to submit the original copies of our certificates? anything will do? like seminars, trainings?

our employers will be the one whos going to fill up the role and responsibilities?

are they going to send us a form for it? or are we going to send another set of our resume?

thank you guys..

im really curious about the bet.. hehe! :)

hows your ielts guys?

Specializes in Psychiatry.
Most Toronto healthcare employers do not view courses from private, unaccredited training centers as valid or reliable places for a nurse to enhance their knowledge or skills.

The physical assessment course offered at this school is only two days, there is no way that is enough time to do a proper review of physical assessment.

IV therapy training is provided by employers.


The physical assessment course on this training center is offered for 2-weekends. Waiting for the CNO assessment is frustrating and I am trying to (as mush as possible) use my time productively :) Thinking of taking courses necessary and learning french maybe.

I received all the CNO application package last June 2010, then I decided to come here to apply personally. Needed more requirement in Norway so I left to secure it September 2010. Back to TO October. BET sent November. ALL requirements are WITH CNO DECEMBER ( I'm assuming that basing it on the FEDEX tracking system for my PRC, Norwegian license and School docs).

To Pilipinas: Cheers! Thank you for the encouragement :) Goodluck to us :)


I was quoting sheng in my post about BET and do not have personal experience, I just have a vague idea of what the CNO is looking for, these are my thoughts;

Stating your roles and responsibilities does not provide evidence of an understanding of the competencies.

Stating how you apply the competency in day to day practice and giving examples, provides evidence of understanding of the competency. For example, when I apply the competency of informed consent in my day to day practice, I advise the patient that I will be doing X procedure, then I tell the patient the nature of the procedure, the expected benefits of the procedure, the potential risks of the procedure, alternatives to the procedure and the possible consequences of not having the procedure.

Stating the courses, workshops, seminars you attended does not provide evidence of understanding the competency.

Stating the competency that the workshop or seminar that you attended, applies to, shows evidence of understanding.

Again, I do not have any real knowledge of the BET, just a vague impression.



If you want to use your time productively, suggest you review the documents and e-learning in the links provided in this thread

If you want to review physical assessment review the links in this thread

It looks better on your resume if your education is from a reliable source, such as a university, college or a professional association rather than a private center.


Specializes in Psychiatry.

If you want to use your time productively, suggest you review the documents and e-learning in the links provided in this thread

If you want to review physical assessment review the links in this thread

It looks better on your resume if your education is from a reliable source, such as a university, college or a professional association rather than a private center.


Thanks so much dishes!

Pickles you already have the RPN eligibility?

Yes, Pilipinas. I am practicing as an RPN right now thats why i dont feel impatient on waiting for my eligibility.

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