Azusa ELM Summer 2016


Hello prospective NP students!

I wanted to start a thread for anyone applying to APU ELM program for the 2016 academic year! We can talk about anything you guys want! Your status, GPA, stats, interviews, and application process!

I just finished applying and speaking with the advisor!

Best of luck for everyone!

I had my advising appointment there as well! PCC is Pasadena city college? Oh my goodness I hope they can let us know so you have that reassurance when declining elsewhere! Getting into another nursing program sounds promising though! Azusa is my first and only choice haha. I'm riding on this acceptance! Best of luck! Keep in touch!

Yes Pasadena City College. I'm really debating on which one to attend just because I'll be saving so much money going to PCC but Azusa has a really great program. Best of luck to you too!

I am in the same boat as you, I was accepted to CSUSM and it starts end of August. My advisor informed me that they would not be meeting until August 31 and we should expect to hear back from them mid-September. Do you have all your pre-requisites done? I have one more, research in psychology. I'm looking for an online version, any suggestions?

Specializes in ICU (CCRN).

Hi All,

Thanks for starting this thread, @Malec001. I interviewed a few weeks ago and arrived on time. I think my writing section went well, but I guess the dean was behind so the interview went pretty quickly. I was told I was a "middle of the road" applicant, but I figured as much. I had a hard major and I worked full time while going to school. The transcript officer told me I was a good applicant, but after the interview--I'm not too sure. The dean was sweet but just seemed preoccupied. We didn't have a great rapport but we're both human so I'm not taking it personally. She said I needed just one more prerequisite and if I do that now I can also be considered for the Spring 2016 cohort but who knows at this point. I applied to National for BSN just in case, but I hope to get into the NP program because I like the convenience of the programming.

How did you all do on the interview? What are your stats?

It's probably not the wisest decision but I thought about it but I only wanted to be considered for San Diego because I know that I'm not going to do well if I commute. I did it for years and it's EXHAUSTING. Now I'm feeling all jittery reading the threads from the previous year...


Hey everyone!

I applied for the Summer 2016 term. I turned in my application towards the end of July, but unfortunately haven't received any news other than a completion status online. I've noticed many of you have already gotten interviews, when did you guys turn in your applications?

I'm hoping I get some news soon. :unsure:

End of June not July *

Specializes in ICU (CCRN).

Hi milianne,

I turned in my application back in May. Then in June 19, 2015 I received this email:


As we approach the July 1st deadline, here is an update on your Azusa Pacific application for the ELM Program in San Diego:

  • Your application is complete! Thank you; it will be sent to the department for review.

I am here to assist you through out the remainder of this process. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Then they called me for an interview a couple weeks later. Did you miss the July 1st deadline? If so, they might move your app to the next deadline.

Hi Everyone:

I am glad I found this thread. One reason it may not be real active is that it doesn't come up like the other threads for other cohorts in a Google search. One suggestion is for @Malec001 to tag it as APU ELM Summer 2016. I know that the actual forum entry says that but in terms of keywords, Google may not be picking that up.

Anyhow, I turned my application in for the IE campus sometime during the 3rd week of June as I wanted to make sure that I wasn't pushing up against the July 1 deadline. I completed the interview the week of the 20th of July. I felt it went really well. The writing prompt went better than expected and I spent close to an hour in the advising session. My GPA for my undergrad meets the minimum requirement and is probably one the weakest points concerning my application. However, I have worked extremely hard with maintaining a high GPA in all of the science prerequisites as well as some of the unique APU non science prerequisites since going back to school. I had a very successful career in my previous field but didn't enjoy it anymore since the thing I enjoyed most was helping people and the field changed to the point where that really wasn't possible anymore. My family and I have made huge sacrifices to pursue a career in nursing. That said, I was afraid to mess up any of my prerequisites, knowing that my overall GPA wasn't the best and that I had to shine in the area that I believe is the most crucial, the science prerequisites. I have one prerequisite left, which I am enrolled in for the upcoming fall term.

I have received nothing but positive feedback from APU but know that most of the applicants applying to APU are strong in one way or another. I have done everything that I possibly can do at this point and am praying for a positive outcome as APU is my first choice. I am eyeing some other schools but believe that with everything APU has to offer, it is the very best choice for me and my family.

As far as hearing a decision, I was told that the committee would be meeting concerning all the campuses by the last day of August and that we should expect to hear something within the first couple of weeks of September one way or another. I really hope that they are being conservative with that time frame as I, as well as I am sure everyone on this forum, would like to hear something back sooner rather than later. One of the most nerve racking things is not knowing exactly where one is going to end up.

I am assuming that no one has been given any sort of an acceptance notice verbally or written at this point but if you have I would love to hear from you. It seems like in other cohorts, the ones that found out early actually had applied for earlier terms but were pushed to the following entry point for some reason.

Specializes in ICU (CCRN).

Hi ienurse, you're absolutely correct. I relate to your post. That's what they told me, too. I haven't heard anything back although they did say to wait until mid-September.

Hi all,

I applied to IE campus, but i have not been called in yet for an interview. I was told they make decision at the end of Sep. I reapplied, but was never denied the first time i applied. I don't know if the process if different for people who reapplied. does anyone know?

I'm assuming that when you said you applied you applied for Summer 2016? When did you turn in the application? Did you follow-up with anyone after the application was turned in? What I have heard is that you can have a complete application but if either one of your transcripts doesn't show up or someone that says they will do a recommendation letter doesn't actually follow through, your application would technically be incomplete. I hope that didn't happen in this case but I personally had to hand walk in one of my transcripts because it was never received via USPS. I also had an instructor that said he would do a recommendation letter for me who then went radio silent up until a couple of days before the due date. Anyhow, all that to say, there are a lot of moving parts where something could have happened. If you turned in your application before the due date, I would have thought you would have gotten an interview by now.

@ienurse i applied for summer 2016. i turned in my application on July 1st. I did follow up, i was told to hear something by sept, but isn't that when they make their decision? on my status it says complete. when i called they told me that my application was complete as well.

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