Azusa ELM Summer 2016

Nursing Students NP Students


Hello prospective NP students!

I wanted to start a thread for anyone applying to APU ELM program for the 2016 academic year! We can talk about anything you guys want! Your status, GPA, stats, interviews, and application process!

I just finished applying and speaking with the advisor!

Best of luck for everyone!

Hi Malec001, in regards to getting into the program, do you mind sharing what experiences you had, your GPA, and why your letters of rec and letter to the dean might have enhanced your application? I don't doubt your caliber as an applicant, I'm sure you were the perfect applicant, I just want to know what to expect and what if there is anyway I can better prepare myself for the program.


They will take lower GPAs but will look for compensating factors. My GPA was just above a 3.0 but the science prerequisites were just below a 4.0. I also had a wealth of experience in business and also had volunteer hours. Everyone is different and that's what they like - different experiences that everyone can bring to the table. Pick and choose your letters of recommendation carefully, do the best you absolutely can in the science prerequisites, read up on the types of interview questions you might see and prepare appropriate but authentic responses. It's a great school with a great reputation. You just need to show them how you will contribute to that heritage and that you can handle the rigor. Best of luck to you!

Thank you so much, this is very helpful and gives me a little more confidence in applying. Good luck to you on this journey as well!

Anyone care to share gpa and other stats? OR average gpa of accepted applicants...Has anyone who started the program care to share their experience?


Hello APU ELM Summer 2016 Cohort! I'm starting in January 2018. I'm not sure if you guys are done yet but does anyone have uniforms that they want to sell? I am looking for a men's medium set. You can contact me at [email protected].


Specializes in ICU (CCRN).

Hey phenoma21!

Congrats on making it to the family! Uniforms are expensive, but luckily the program coordinator, Renee Dierking, collects used scrubs from the advanced cohorts to donate or sell to the newbies. I made it through the program fine with two pairs (although I had to stitch one of the pants).

I'm just about to finish my externship this month so I'll donate them back in December. But for now, you can just ask Renee for it when you check in. She will have scrubs from other cohorts, as well. Roughly 10% of each cohort class of 20 are men. So if finding male scrub tops (bottoms are unisex) doesn't pan out, I would just buy one or two scrub tops from Dove Apparel and then purchase old versions of the scrub pants from the same company, but through Amazon.

Good luck with the program and feel free to contact me or the guys anytime!


Cohort 65

Amazon link: Dove Professional Apparel Unisex Scrub Pant: Clothing


Thanks so much for the info!

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