Nurses General Nursing
Published Mar 10, 2006
DutchgirlRN, ASN, RN
3,932 Posts
I'm going for ACLS renewal on Tuesday. I'm going with two of the doctors but not worried. One is soooo smart and really does know everything but is so sweet and helpful and never makes anyone feel dumb for asking questions and takes all the time in the world to answer any question. The other doctor is like me, only memorizes the strips and within two days they are all forgotten. I can pick out a quote "normal" rhythm, an abnormal rhythm and a deadly rhythm but the blocks and such leave my mind as soon as I pass. I thought I was going alone and then one day one of the doctors said to me "I'm so glad you're going, I'll have someone to each lunch with." I thought why are they going? Then I realized one is a hospitalist and one is an ER doctor and that's why they have to be ACLS Certified. I have to because I do charge. Anyway I'm getting way off subject here.
In looking for examples of strips to bone up for Tuesday...I found this awesome ACLS renewal website. It's a total freebie. Some smart nurse doing us all a favor. Enjoy!
237 Posts
Thanks Dutch!
You're quite welcome VeryPlainJane. Have fun!
951 Posts
I have used his website for ACLS reviews in the past, too. It's a great site.
24 Posts
Thanks, awesome site!!!!
will renew acls in august and this is good!!!!
Rio, ASN, RN
144 Posts
Nice website, the only thing I read that you may want to review is your facilities defib. The website references monophasic 200,300,360 and most are now using biphasic. Because of each manufacturer's proprietary waveforms the energy level (joules) will vary. for example our agilent defib is 150, 150, 150 . at the other place I work we use Zoll it's 120,150,200.
moonshadeau, ADN, BSN, MSN, RN, APN, NP, CNS
521 Posts
It is a good website, but keep in mind that the American Heart Association has made some pretty big changes in both BLS and ACLS guidelines starting this year.
19 Posts
Thanks I'll bookmark it for later use, it looks good.
464 Posts
46 Posts
Thanks for the website DutchgirlRN. I will have to renew acls real soon.
Thanks for the website DutchgirlRN. I will have to renew acls real soon.heysmalls:nurse:
I renew tomorrow......
The classes for nurses was full so I'm in the class with the doc's, should be fun and interesting! I'll let you know tomorrow afternoon~
LPNtoBSNstudent, BSN, RN
147 Posts
This is a great website. I take ACLS for the first time this tuesday and wednesday and am scared to death about it. This has helped my confidence and helped me focus a little. I will definately bookmark it for future use too. I think I am going to email the guy who made it. thank you for posting this.