Published Aug 28, 2024
11 Posts
The nurse practitioner in a clinic? This sounds absurd to me. Thoughts?
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,976 Posts
In what capacity? Administrative, such as approving payroll or schedules? Not an issue. Clinically? That is an issue.
She tries to say "clinically" too.
This associate degree nurse, now the clinic director, fired me a month ago, I was told by the higher ups I was not fired, Today was my first day back and she wouldn't even look at me.Everyone gave me a big hug and was happy to see me back. She then told the nurse that she doesn't want me seeing patients. The nurse came to me and told me that. I read one order she wrote that said "for any facial rash, apply a 10X10 area of hydrocortisone. I changed that and said to NEVER apply this amount to a face secondary to telangiectasis, skin atrophy and rashes. She is changing it back. Any thoughts?
6,995 Posts
Yeah I have thoughts: WTH is going on at that place and why do you want to work there? Why is she writing ANY order?
This is too dumb for words. Get out of there. Unless you can go to admin with an all-business/few words attitude and convince them to get her out of there...LEAVE. Anything else risks putting yourself in various quagmires you will NOT want to be in. In fact since admin hasn't *already* removed her for her shenanigans then even going to them is somewhat a risk. Unless her departure is already in the works and imminent, leave. In my opinion this is a "my way or the highway" situation. I wouldn't sit around with admin discussing her or the dumb "orders" she writes or the boundaries she blows through or ANYTHING else, such as "how we can make this work.”
Also it doesn't matter that she has an associate degree. She is not a provider, end of story.
I just received a call that she is throwing away my standing orders because she doesn't agree with them! I'm going to administration next week. The rest of the staff are afraid of her!
heron, ASN, RN
4,461 Posts
FNP912 said: I just received a call that she is throwing away my standing orders because she doesn't agree with them! I'm going to administration next week. The rest of the staff are afraid of her!
She is, among other things, practicing medicine without a license. I agree with the advice to get out of there, regardless of how admin. chooses to handle it.
Get your own lawyer. Until you do, it's probably smart to refrain from posting about the situation.
djmatte, ADN, MSN, RN, NP
1,248 Posts
From an admin perspective, many ADNs work in a range of capacities because their clinical experience warrants that. My wife for instance makes more than in do as an ADN because she's developed a solid foundation in senior living over 20 years and has worked the visits side of some of the latest companies. She's in charge of people with degrees/licenses from LPNS,BSNs, to PHDs. Depending on the clinical environment, an ADN can just s as well not endorse an NP order just as well as any doctor. If they feel there is a safety concern to the patient or others, they can bring that up to the powers that be. RNs are charged with both the safety of their patients and ensuring the patient has a functional plan to recovery. She can't change your orders as others have pointed out however.
At the end of the day, there is a clear conflict here. Might be advisable to find out who these things are happening. Have you done anything to make her question your medical decisions? Is there a personal tiff?
She JUST became the director because the old one had to leave due to family. No interview, nothing. She is rude, condescending and I maintain professionalism. She wants to write the orders. I told her she legally cannot. And, she has only long-term care experience, This is young adults. She is bossing the other nurse around and this nurse has just about had it. This nurse has been there for a long time.
Since she's allegedly practicing outside her scope, why haven't you complained to the state BON?
65 Posts
Call the pharmacy and tell them to verify all orders from you with you. I would also let them know what she is doing. She does not have the authority to write orders.