Aspiring Male NICU Nurse

Specialties NICU


Are there Male NICU nurses here? If yes, what made you take up that specialization and what keeps you motivated for it?

Specializes in NICU.

Yes, there are several of us.

What made me decide NICU? I like the ICU environment without the 300 pound patient in the bed.


I would rather clean a 2 pound baby's butt than a 300 pound adult butt.

I like the fact that we have doctors on the unit 24/7.

Working with doctors that truly value and respect the nurses.

The satisfaction of seeing a 1.5 pound baby born 4 months early go home as a healthy 5 pound baby.

Having zero drama with being a male nurse taking care of a female patient.

Cool. Thanks sir!

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

@guyinbabyland: Except for the last motivation, those are the same reasons women choose this field. And you have to admit, those kiddos are way cuter than the grown-ups!

Specializes in NICU.
those kiddos are way cuter than the grown-ups!

As I have suggested in an old thread, every hospital should have a Cuddle Room. If you have an extremely stressful day.. go to the Cuddle Room. Preemie babies have magic powers. They are experts at sucking all the stress out of you. A 30 minute cuddle session and you are good for the rest of the day.

Add to my list of motivations: Never having to deal with a patient with C-Diff. :barf02::eek:

You guys are amazing!

Specializes in L&D, OBED, NICU, Lactation.

I did NICU for 10 years before moving to L&D. There are quite a few guys in NICU and a lot of times we are the baby whisperers. I agree with guy in babyland, it's amazing what holding a baby can do for your stress and mindset. I almost always hold the baby before I send my families over to postpartum, it's an amazing way to say "hello to the world" and "I'm glad I could help you get here safely."

Oh, Guy in Babyland, this is for you! It's my newest badge reel.


Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

I liked gazing a brand, new human, mentally congratulating him/her for completing all the complicated physiologic tasks involved w/becoming a separate being from their mother!

Specializes in NICU.

Having zero drama with being a male nurse taking care of a female patient.

Never say never! I heard tell once of a parent who insisted that all the boy babies be turned to face the other way while his girl baby's diaper was changed. People are endlessly creative :sarcastic:

Specializes in NICU.
Never say never! I heard tell once of a parent who insisted that all the boy babies be turned to face the other way while his girl baby's diaper was changed. People are endlessly creative :sarcastic:

I guess they would want me to close my eyes while I changed their daughter's diaper. I better start practicing, just in case.

I had EMS experience before nursing, so I liked the fact that I'd be able to provide some critical care while also getting to know patients over a longer period of time. I find myself attracted to novelty, so working in a big NICU satisfies my curiosity toward new things even 12+ years later.

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