Nursing Students ADN/BSN


it is becoming more and more popular to eliminate the associate degree nursing programs (asn-rn). do you think that is right? do you feel that a four year degree (bsn) should be the minimum requirement for a registered nurse licensure? please input comments regarding this topic: if you agree with getting rid of two year rn degrees or disagree.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

I'm not seeing anywhere that ADNs are being eliminated. Quite the contrary - there seems to be 1-2 year waiting lists for them.

i dont know why anyone would get a BSN unless ur gonna go for a MSN degree , there is no pay difference between ASN and BSN so all you end up with is more student loans to pay back

I completely agree. I am graduating this year with my associate degree in nursing. The school I am currently attending has been slowing trying to eliminate the associate program and I feel that associate nurses are just as qualified as a bachelorette nurse. It is still just as hard and we all have to take the same state board.

I think there's plenty of room in nursing for ASN's and BSN's. We all know that ASN's can perform just as well as a BSN. Getting your BSN IMHO is about getting to graduate school or moving into management. If I were an ASN with no aspirations to move up then I wouldn't bother getting my BSN. I know the theory is that patients have better outcomes when BSN care for them. Can anyone explain this in a way that makes sense?

Specializes in pcu/stepdown/telemetry.

getting rid of associate programs? I wish we could bring back the diploma programs.

Specializes in ICU-MICU & SICU.

The problem I have with the higher degree including BSN, MSN, DNP, PhD is that they are getting further from the beside and patient care and more into “theory” and “research”. I’m finishing up my BSN now and there is nothing helpful that you learn you your nursing practice. I’ve learning about paradigms, theories, nursing theorist, and more about research than I ever cared about knowing. NOTHING about patient care though. Even the DNP degree is getting hit by physicians because of all the theory and no extra clinical practicum. A nurse practitioner with a DNP does from 1000-1500 clinical hours through their program usually. Even Physician Assistants get more than 4000 hours. I wonder if this is why so many nurse practitioners feel so unprepared after graduating. All in all I think nursing needs to get back to its roots. I like the idea of diploma programs. They were “patient” oriented. Not “theory” and “research” oriented. If I want theory and research I would get a PhD.

this thread helped me greatly, i am going to start school in the spring (to finish pre-req's) and then hopefully in the fall i will get in the RN program. ihad thought about going for my BSN, but now have decided not to

The idea of eliminating ADN programs is certainly not "popular" in my state.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

I don't see the degree being eliminated where I live. I do, however, see a move to limit the role of ADN nurses -- and to require BSN or higher for positions that involve the formulation of policy, oversight of practice, community health, leadership, management, teaching, etc. I also see some hospitals preferring to hire BSN nurses as they want a staff that is educated on these more advanced topics and want to promote a more academic/scientific approach to nursing practice.

There does seem to be growing momentum to clarify the distinction between the ADN and BSN level nurses -- and to require the BSN for upward career mobility. But I don't see ADN programs actually closing. I just see their job choices narrowing. I suspect that is what the OP is referring to.

I have a question..I am looking into getting into the field of nursing, quickly. I already have a bachelors in psychology. Would it make sense for me to get an associates to become an RN? I'm trying to figure out the smartest route to become one.

Specializes in ICU-MICU & SICU.
I have a question..I am looking into getting into the field of nursing, quickly. I already have a bachelors in psychology. Would it make sense for me to get an associates to become an RN? I'm trying to figure out the smartest route to become one.

I would check into the accelerated MSN for non nurses. It's faster and you usually get your Nursing license before you graduate after about a year.

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