Army Reserve OML FY2017


Specializes in Pediatrics.


I am starting this thread separate from another thread that has been posted on numerous times. I recently heard from my nurse corps recruiter that they would soon be pulling selected people off the OML and commissioning them within the next couple months or so. We are currently half way through the fiscal year and this is apparently when the army starts to make decisions on their current needs to complete the army nurse corps new officer spots for that year. Just a reminder, the OML list is made of officer candidates that were selected to commission but were not offered a spot at that time. As I recall, there were a decent amount of us in this position after the November and December boards! I personally am on the OML list after the December boards for a 66H and am from the Nashville, TN area :)

If you leave a comment below, you will get updates when others post on here! Feel free to share anything you hear from your recruiters, peers, etc.

Good luck to all!

Thanks for starting this. Hopefully it will help keep up with where people are in the process. I've been on the OML since November 2016 for 66P. I remember we chatted before. We have different recruiters, but out of the same office. However, if I dont come off the OML soon, they are going to hand me off to your recruiter because mine is leaving soon. The process has taken so long that I am on my 5th recruiter,,,, Good times! Ill let you know if I hear anything.

Specializes in Pediatrics.
Thanks for starting this. Hopefully it will help keep up with where people are in the process. I've been on the OML since November 2016 for 66P. I remember we chatted before. We have different recruiters, but out of the same office. However, if I dont come off the OML soon, they are going to hand me off to your recruiter because mine is leaving soon. The process has taken so long that I am on my 5th recruiter,,,, Good times! Ill let you know if I hear anything.

I sent you a PM so check your inbox! Glad to know there's someone else in the area going through all of this!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the Government/Military forum

Heard last week that they are going to be pulling some of the 66h from the reserves to fill active duty slots. This should open up slots for those on the reserve OML. Still no word on the 66p OML.

Spoke with my recruiter today. He got a call two days ago asking if I would still be interested in commissioning if they pulled me off the OML. They gave him no other information. Sounded promising.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

that does sound promising! i got a similar phone call within the past week or so! sounds like they are looking at their numbers since they are half way through the fiscal year! fingers crossed

great thread very helpful. was curious if anyone knew if this was just the time of the year the Reserves looks at nurses or is this coincidental you all are hearing. waiting on waiver for 66S. haven't heard anything in a bit and was just looking to gather some info, thanks in advance


Do not think it is coincidental. There was a meeting last month and talk that the numbers of need were reported lower than they actually were. As for your waiver,, I know they can take up to a year. I needed a waiver this go around and it was approved in April. Waiting on a waiver feel like forever (kinda like waiting on the OML).

So this is like nurses month for the AR?

By the numbers being reported low, does that mean we (nurses) are in high demand? Is there a shortage?

Also how often do Reserve Commissioning Boards meet?

Thanks for the quick response.

I wish I had more information for you. I read posts from present and past ANC officers saying that the demand is not as high as it was a few years ago. They are the duty experts on this and I have no reason to question their assessments. I do know that they are pulling 66h's from reserves to active duty (approx 20),,, then again, that is subject to change. However, that will open up reserve spots. As far as the board, They have one in October and from what I am told the "big" nurse board is in November. Other than that, they will hold boards monthly until all slots are filled.

Just know that this is my understanding of things. I am in the 1st civ div and former Marine. The only knowledge I have of the process is from recruiters and military nurse I know. There are present and former ANC officers on allnurses that can provide you with more information. Im sure they read these threads and hopefully will be along shortly to give you better insight.

Question,, Have you been boarded and what is your waiver? You dont have to answere the waiver question if you dont feel comfortable. Just wondering..

Never boarded. I was under the impression the waiver comes first. The waiver is a medical one. Just got word it is in the Reserve Command Surgeon's Office. Is that telling?

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