Arizona State University (ASU) Summer/Fall 2017 Nursing

Nursing Students School Programs


This page was created for 2017 ASU nursing applicants to ask questions, comment their opinions, and to share their knowledge! Please feel free to share any information or ask any questions regarding the application process or program itself. Enjoy!

I got in for summer:) this year was crazy competitive

yep got alternate list also, we shall see.

Congrats to everyone that got in! I'm super excited for you all:) and @lakili I think we still have hope! Trying to stay positive lol. Has anyone heard of anyone actually getting off the alternate list?! I can't imagine too many people reject their acceptance so am wondering how common it actually is

The last few semesters before spring this year had quite a few get in.. so I was hopeful for spring, but then i didn't get pulled in soooo I think it really is a guessing game.. Trying to stay positive.

Ahhh I see. I wish I knew how many people were on the alternate list and where I was ranked on it /: do you think they'd be able to give that information if I emailed them?

I have no idea. the worst they could say is that they can't give you that info.... but i think you should. inquiring minds want to know haha!

Hey y'all! I've been scouring the internet trying to find any info on the Summer program. I just got accepted to it (fall was my first choice) and I really don't know much about it. Anyone have any idea what the schedule looks like specifically? I know it's year-round but it would be nice to see an actual calendar :) .

I am trying to find the schedule too. Have you tried emailing the lady that sent us our acceptance letters?

@bjfranco no! I have been looking too because Fall was my first choice as well and I'm in serious panic mode because I am not prepared at all for classes to start in a month! I want to know what the schedule will be like so that I can tell my job and know how much it is going to cost because apparently financial aid doesn't cover summer classes. It's gonna be one crazy month. I wish the information session was sooner than the 21st.

to everyone who was put on the waitlist! Don't fret, I've heard that people still get accepted from the waitlist! I am hoping you all get in!!!

@lakili so I haven't emailed anyone but I'm going to see an advisor so I'll ask questions then! Just curious, what was your advancement score when you applied for spring?

so i wrote an advisor and she told me they don't tell students where they are on the alternate list.. I had a 1.71 for spring, and a 1.79 for summer.. so that sucks haha i really was convinced id get in for summer. I think the scores bumped up because the teas became easier.

I heard the cut off this year was 1.81... lol jumped so much compared to other years! Did they mention how long the list was? I feel like they probably didn't make it too big so maybe there's still a chance :)

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