Arizona CNA State Board Skills Exam Question.?


I recently took the Arizona CNA state boards and the skill bed pan and output. I accidently put CC's instead of ML's on the output recording sheet. Does this mean I failed the test? Please someone answer I am FREAKING OUT!

Specializes in Critical Care.

It's the same thing.

Over identical measurements you are freaking out?

0I recently took the Arizona CNA state boards and the skill bed pan and output. I accidently put CC's instead of ML's on the output recording sheet. Does this mean I failed the test? Please someone answer I am FREAKING OUT!

please be aware that notes from the board of nursing state that the "notation of "ML" should be used.

And also to be within 30 ml of the test observers reading which I know I was.

Should I be freaking out? The reason that I got confused is because I was using a graduated cylinder that had cc's on it.

Didn't you find out right away if you passed or not. When I took my CNA test I knew before I left the testing site that I passed the written as well as skills.

When will your test results be given. Sometimes you just have to wait it out and see. Though even if this can be considered a mistake on your part it does not mean you failed the test. Usually you are allowed a few mistakes as long as they were not considered the big mistakes.

I get my results Monday online. I am so anxious....

please be aware that notes from the board of nursing state that the "notation of "ML" should be used

CC is the same thing as mL, so I don't think they'd fail you over it. They'd probably just make note of it and move on.

please be aware that notes from the board of nursing state that the "notation of "ML" should be used

You keep reposting that the info for the test stated you should have used ML instead of CC. We get it, honestly....but the bottom line is what we think won't change the results either way, so hang in there and wait for your answer from the BoN itself. While we know they are identical meausurements, we won't know what the testing administrator will do until they do it....and clearly you are in a position to find that out faster than us!

Good luck.

Specializes in hospice.
Didn't you find out right away if you passed or not. When I took my CNA test I knew before I left the testing site that I passed the written as well as skills.

When will your test results be given.

I'm certified in Arizona. No, you don't find out right away. You take the written, and then you take the skills exam. I seem to remember that if your failed the written you couldn't move on to the skills exam, but this was 4 years ago. It took a week or so to get my score.

Oh how torturous.. I could not imagine. I took my skills first. Waited for about 10 minutes able to take my written and knew 10 minutes later I passed both and all I had to do was wait for my certificate to come 2 weeks later.

Thank You, Everyone! I am happy to say that I passed my written and skills test!

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