Aria School of Nursing September 2012

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Hi all, I'm new to this site (just joined today). But I've been lurking for a few weeks. I'm applying for the Aria Health SON and would love to meet others who are applying for the September 2012 academic year.

So I went onto the student login, and it has the courses that they accepted for transfer....they didn't accept my Chem class or a few others that I definitely think should've transferred....hmmm anyone else check this out yet? They accepted my A&P classes, but not my chemistry...and I have Chem 101 and 102. Bumblebee, could you help me out with this one? Should I call and ask them about this?

Hmmm...under my transfer courses it has none posted. Im assuming they doesn't get to me yet, bc I took all of the psu courses except micro, english 202, math 35, and I have to take hdfs over bc I took 229 instead of 129.

How long ago did u take chemistry? for right now, just relax a little, give it a few days, see if it changes. Then i would email, then i would call if they dont write back.

When i was in your shoes, they didnt accept my microbiology. When i emailed them about it they said oh we're sorry, we over looked it, thank you. and then it was fixed. so either that could have happened or there is a reason why they didnt accept it.

i had to double check sonis...we still dont offer chemistry at our school. i thought they were going to change that, i guess they havent yet. so i think for our school, all that is required is high school chemistry...?

so what im saying is that its not they didnt accept it, its that they didnt put it up there because its not a course you need for Arias nursing program. does that make sense? :nurse:

@kristin chem is actually a psu course. As long as you took the course in the last five years & it was chem W/ LAB it should transfer.

ok, i just logged into my sonisweb account. my chem 1 & 2 ARE NOT THERE EITHER. and im pretty sure its for the reason i said in my previous post

Thanks for answering my Q's everyone :) I am definitely going to try and get in touch with someone and ask about Chem, and a few of the other classes I thought would transfer. :bugeyes: Keep me posted when you guys have your transfers put onto the sonis site. I still have to send in my Spring semester transcript with Micro and APII on it, so I am looking forward to getting those credits!

Is anyone going to the CPR class this Tuesday evening? I couldn't get into the ones put aside for us incoming students since they filled up so fast, so I'm taking one on the 27th of this month!


i just had to use those skills at the hospital last week :yeah:so pay attention :nurse:

My sonis account still isnt showing any courses that did or did not transfer. Cant wait to find out which ones did though. Im finishing up my two summer classes now so I hope those transfer as well!

Also, I registered for the CPR class on the 27th of July. It was one of the dates for the Torresdale campus that was in our acceptance packet. Is anyone else going that route?

What are the dates for our mandatory orientations? I thought I read somewhere that there is three days in a row in August. Thanks!


Can anyone please tell me if we are suppose to get 2 tuberculin tests done. I only got one and it was negative. But the paper says we a suppose to get one done than seven days later get another one done. I assumed we only needed a second tuberculin test if our first test came out positive. Two tests seem a bit excessive. Someone please clarify. My final doc appointment is today wednesday at 11am to get my last couple papers signed.

@ Holly we have to get 2 tb test...and then 1 annually.

Smh @ myself...I still haven't managed to complete the hep b series, the only task I had left.

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