Are Students Protesting HESI??


Hello,everyone. I was told by a classmate that she head that there is a website that was started by a nursing instructor. I guess the website is looking for those nursing students who completed their nursing program and were never told from the beginning about the HESI exam.

Rumors has it that this website has these students setting up a protest date, time, and place.

I really would like for anyone to let me know if they know the website or where and when they will be rallying. I would like to join in the protest.

Its about time that schools stop abusing these students because of HESI. Its about helping the students. HESI is only a probability exam.

Please let me know if anyone finds anything


I passed the NCLEX the first time. There were only three of us who did pass HESI. The second classmate who did pass HESI passed NCLEX after the second attempt. The third classmate still has not passed her NCLEX after the second attempt. My point is... based on what we experienced in school, we were not provided the appropriate nursing tools, nor did our instructors care to assist us in any form. There were alot of chapters that we were told "don't bother reading that chapter, you don't need to know it." Our clinical instructors were awesome. But, what the problem was throughout the entire two years, were my classmates and I were verbally abused, a few teachers falsified certain classmate's grades. We were never properly prepared as far as test taking techniques. We did have excellent clinical instructors. Again, we were not aware about HESI until approx. 14 weeks before graduation. Plus, we did not know that if we did not pass this test that we would not graduate and unable to sit for boards until two weeks before graduation. Your daughter is blessed to have you to assist her in her studies. I was the only guy in my group. I can assure you the comments our instructors made with my classmates went from verbal racial abuse to pulling a classmates ears and dragging her into the office. I remember one instructor making a comment the reason why some of girls are single parents is because they don't have the brain and the men just wanted their (expletive) female body part. Yes, we complained as a group, grievances were filed. But, it only got worst for all of us. I know this may seem hard to believe, but it happened. After, the death of my classmate/friend, classmates meet with the president, vice chancellor and chancellor. Their response were "don't take this personal, its just business, its a business transaction." The school than added this part to their new school policy. ""The college may establish a higher minimum grade, if it is deemed necessary."

Hows that for taking some accountability? I just strongly feel that if our program really truly wanted to see their students successful. The instructors should have been there for us when we begged them to teach us. They should have had some sort of after class tutoring, or hire a tutor, maybe gave any time to use the skills lab. I just wished that if we had any areas of weakness, we should of been told and remediated ASAP before matriculating onto the next course. To have dealt with the verbal abuses was difficult enough. But, to suddenly place an exam with an ultamatium such as no degree and no sitting for boards - hellish. Graduation invitations were already sent out before this. Familiesmembers already purchased tickets. I can honestly say, I will no longer attend any classroom setting due to the trauma. I have been traumatized. My passing of HESI was pure luck. In my opinon, HESI was difficult and NCLEX was a breeze.

To pay over $9000 to repeat second year is alot and to have your grades audited as if you didn't earn your passing grade - totally sucks. For nursing courses to be non transferrable that they can't even chose another school to attend without having to start all over again. Having 97% failure of HESI says alot, especially when 37 completed the nursing program.

My classmates are single parents who did not have a car, cell phone who took several trains and buses just to attend school. I do not have children. However, I moved from a neighboring country to live with my dad's friends family. Who I never met, until I moved in. Most of these women worked more than two jobs. I had one. I was the only one who had a computer. 90% of the time we access the computer at the library. No matter what, we all stuck together and studied. 98% of us have an average GPA 3.1. Most are LPNs, and Theta Phi Cum Laudes. We never had any problems/incidents with any other teachers. Don't forget, that the admission criteria for nursing programs are pretty tough, tough to get into. You have to be selected based on their critieria. Therefore, their were no dummies in our group.

I know I am writing alot. I just wanted to let everyone know that to please remember that as nurses we must be compassionate, respectful, and unbias. Every situation is different.

I know I will never see my classmate again. She would of made an excellent nurse, she was the type that if she didn't know an answer to her patients questions she looked it up, made a copy of the info, and sat next to her patient and read the answer together. They would learn together. Remember Maslow? Physiologic needs are met first, than love and belonging?

I am estatic and envious of all of you who had a wonderflul nursing experience. But please, don't judge others who have not.

Since the death of my classmates, a few classmates have confessed that they too have thought about attempting suicide. Some made statements on how they would do it. I was sick to my stomach. But yet, I felt, well, maybe, if I too did not pass HESI would my thoughts be the same as theirs? I don't know.

This is very emotional. We worked hard and sacrificied so much to complete the nursing program. We endured more than most nursing students. I learned that instructors are very powerful and as one had told us several times before, "I determine whether or not you become a nurse." She showed us, just how powerful she was, powerful because she determined our grades, and overloaded us with helping her at her church.

Anyway, my break is over. I have nine patients, total of 25, I am the only RN and the rest are LPNs. Which means, I have 25 patients. Ugh!!!!

Thank you all for letting me vent. I appreciate you all.


Hello all! I just thought I would share my happiness with you all. I finally passed my Hesi Exit Exam with a 911 today, thank u Jesus! Now I am officially a Graduate Nurse :anpom:, thank u Jesus! I have not came down from it all yet, to me it is like winning the lottery (even though I don't know what that feels like technically). I would like to thank everyone on for the support :icon_hug:and for believing in me and I would also like to thank those who thought I couldn't do it! I would like to send a special shout out to 2btmanrn for all the support u have given me and others. Don't give up the fight no matter what! It just shows how powerful my God is!! And to think this was my last chance to take it or I would of had to start over. God is Good!

At work. Need to vent. Exhausted. We have a difficult time retaining RNs here. My staff consists mostly of LPNs. I am usually the only RN.

I have read a few posts and I want to say.. that everyone's experience with their nursing school is diffferent. The point is no matter whether your experience is good or bad, whether you passed HESI or any other form of standardized test is... that you support one another. Just because your experience is better than someone elses does not give you the right to discount someone elses whose experience is unfortunately like ours.

Remember that out of 37 students who finished the program only 3 passed HESI. Out of the three who passed HESI two so far, including myslef passed NCLEX.

I would give up my nursing license just to have my classmate back. She would of made an excellent nurse. Me, myself I am not sure if this career I have chose is the one for me. Afterall, the crap I was put through emotionally at school, I don't know if I am staying in this profession. The shortage of nurses is affecting both the patients and the nurses. We NEED more nurses.

I guess my classmates wrote or spoke to someone at apringfield all they can tell them was that our school has high NCLEX pass rate and that they couldn't do anything for them. What about looking at the attrition rate versus the NCLEX pass rate? Can that number be posted?

My classmates does not have enough money to repeat second year. They cant even get a loan due to the economy. The school will not make payment arrangements with them. All this is a bunch of ____

You are right my classmates family should file a civil lawsuit for wrongful death. All the mental abuse they put her through. The loss, shame, humilation she was feeling. Still, a few classmates tell me that they want to take their own lives. I get mad at them, but I don't know exactly what they are feeling. But I can't say it is unbearable. A couple of classmates have even told me specifics of how if they were to kill themselves. This HESI crap has to go. Its not fair for the vice chancellor to suddenly place this upon us. She knew that her faculty was not doing their jobs, instead she wanted the students to be accountable. If the vice chancellor wanted and instructors wanted us truly to be successful, than they would of provided an environement that was conducive to learning. Instead, we were provided with nothing but cat fights. Sorry, ladies, but.... women are the most caddy and jealous individuals. I like being a guy, its safer.

The vice chancellor knows alot of people. She did not want to look bad. She is trying to work her way up in becoming the chancellor. Plus, she just recently married the president of the bar association. Odd. He advocates rights of the minority and did some pro bono work for minorities. I wonder if he would represent my classmates who were screwed by his now wife?

I can't take losing another classmate. Just help the students. Instead, the instructors and vice chancellor ostersized them. No money for second year than no second year and no repeating HESI.

I am trying so hard to forgive them. I am not a religious man. I know what GOD wants... for me to forgive them. I can only forgive them because I know the David and Goliath story.He will hold them accountable. It is GOD you answer too.

Thanks for letting me vent. Please everyone just be supportive. Life as is hard enough. Everyones experiences are different. Respect that.


Specializes in Utilization Management.

A couple of classmates have even told me specifics of how if they were to kill themselves. This HESI crap has to go.

I don't get your logic. You say that you know people who have a plan to commit suicide, yet instead of advising them to get the psychological help that they so obviously need, you are blaming a test.

Please urge those people to get help soon.

With that, I believe that all that can be said about this topic has already been said. Thread is closed for Mod Review.

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