Are croc shoes white enough??????????

Nurses General Nursing


Okay, so I could not wait to get my new croc shoes for work I have a pair in tan and went on the website to find out they make special ones for professionals:monkeydance: so I ordered my "pearl white" shoes which clearly look very white on the website only to receive them and they look more like light grey.:madface: My hospital has a policy ..."only white shoes" okay so my question is "Does anyone know if these shoes are white enough for the hospital setting?????? Mind you I have to also wear white pants.:angryfire " I do not want to return them because I LOVE CROCS and want to wear them to work. Please advise.......

PS. I do not want to order knock-off brands because I really believe in the crocs brand. HELP:chair:

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

just how white are they

well, if you look at the website, the specialist say that they are pure white.

Specializes in ER.

It's sad when professionals have to ask each other "how white is white enough?" You should be able to wear purple and orange if it gets you through the shift with a professional, unpained demeanor. Quality of work goes down for the group when the appearance of professionalism take priority over actual professionals.

Specializes in Float.

I ordered the specialist in the pure white. Should be here tomorrow! Hope I like them!!

Specializes in Addictions, Corrections, QA/Education.

The pure white is white. The pearl white are almost like a really really light gray. I have the pure white clogs! (without the holes). I got them like 3 years ago.

my specialists should be here thursday!!! i am excited

Specializes in Licensed Practical Nurse.

hey are those comfy, i was gunna buy um, but wondered if they were!

OWWWWWWWWWW.... my first shift on my unit was two days ago, i wore some old sneakers and my feet were sore, but nothing abnormal... when i was wlaking out the door yesterday they delivered my crocs so i put those on and went to work... they were fine, but by the end of the shift my feet were sore and when i got home it was painful!

I didnt do anything different from the day before, i dunno what happened, both feet hurt, but my left foot especially feels bruised on the ball of my foot and my like limping and walking on the outside of ny foot and not straight down... i dont know if i should wear my sneakers or crocs today

does crocs have a guarantee or warranty?

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