Applying for a School Nurse position. Any tips?


Specializes in general surgery/ER/PACU.

Hello friends,

I have applied for a 10 month School Nurse position. I have been a nurse for 10 years. My back ground is med/surg and ER. I was hoping to get some advise for my upcoming interview. I have been wanting to try school nursing for the last few years, and my opportunity has come along. Thanks in advance for your input!

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

If you don't already know any of the school nurses in the district you are applying, I'd call them and ask to come and see their clinics; that would give you a mental picture of what you'd be discussing during your interview. Additionally, you could chat with the nurses to get an idea of what the hot topics of interest are in that district. The school nurse environment would be very similar to your ER experience less all other staff members; you'd be the lone decision maker. Good luck.

I had similar credentials when I applied.

In my interview they were mostly concerned with how I would handle parents and sports clearances, concussions, etc

What grades are you interested in and how big are the schools?

Specializes in Community Health/School Nursing.

Some of the main concerns would be: Juvenile Diabetes, Asthma, Food allergies signs/symptoms and when to give epi pen, Head injuries, Medication administration policies, Lice, how to handle parents/staff/administrators/students in different situations, they normally will give you scenarios and ask "what would you do first", Civil Rights of children with medical needs in the school system, 504 & IEP plans, nursing is a different culture. Your skills and knowledge will be of value but you will feel out of your element when left alone in a school building with 100's of kids coming to you for everything imaginable and unimaginable. :-) Love my job! Good luck!

Some of the main concerns would be: Juvenile Diabetes, Asthma, Food allergies signs/symptoms and when to give epi pen, Head injuries, Medication administration policies, Lice, how to handle parents/staff/administrators/students in different situations, they normally will give you scenarios and ask "what would you do first", Civil Rights of children with medical needs in the school system, 504 & IEP plans, nursing is a different culture. Your skills and knowledge will be of value but you will feel out of your element when left alone in a school building with 100's of kids coming to you for everything imaginable and unimaginable. :-) Love my job! Good luck!

Yea, like me. I was like FERPA...huh?

Specializes in general surgery/ER/PACU.

Thanks for your feedback. In my area, there is a school nurse shortage. The state has recently approved 2 new positions that will be available in mid December. Right now, there is one RN for two K-5 schools. I have a friend who is currently employeed as a school nurse in the county that I applied who has been a resource. I'm hoping to be able to do a job shadowing with her at some point before my interview. I just wondered what it was like for school nurses on an average day and what kind of interview questions I can expect.

Specializes in Community Health/School Nursing.

Oh, I meant to say that you will be limited on supplies in your clinic as to how you can assess a student. Basically, you have a thermometer, BP machine, stethoscope, Pulse Ox if your are lucky, tongue depressors (good for making kids throw up on you), scale, height chart, eye chart, cotton balls (you will be able to create miracles from cotton balls and tongue depressors), you might have ice and baggies. Now go forth and cure the world. :-)

If you are an RN then you could easily be put in a supervisory situation with LPN's. Most states need RN's to oversee the LPN's. As if they "need" overseeing. Bah. It's just the district covering their butts as far as I'm concerned.

Specializes in general surgery/ER/PACU.

What is FERPA? I'll google it:-)

Specializes in Community Health/School Nursing.
What is FERPA? I'll google it:-)

Exactly...what is FERPA? Even the parents/staff/administration really don't know how FERPA applies. lol

Specializes in general surgery/ER/PACU.

I really feel like this could be my niche in nursing. Wish me luck and I'll keep you posted. Thank you!

Specializes in School nursing.

Comparison of FERPA and HIPAA Privacy Rule | State Public Health | ASTHO

It is still confusing. I worked in higher education administration before going to nursing school, so I was very, very familiar with being confused about FERPA :). But given that background, ending up in school nursing almost seems like it was a

Good luck! Wave Watcher gives a great snapshot of the life of a school nurse. They may ask about how you might handle frequent flyers, which can vary depending on the frequent flyer :).

Specializes in Community Health/School Nursing.

Can't wait to hear if you got the job or not! Good luck! I was a floor nurse before school nursing and I would NEVER go back! I am for once truly happy!

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