Applying to Sacramento State for spring 2015 question

U.S.A. California


I am applying to Sacramento State for Spring 2015. I still need to take Physio and a few misc. classes like food and nutrition, an arts course, and a english critical thinking course. What I am wondering is this: If I were to take Physio during the summer, got an A lets say, would Sac consider me over other applicants because I have completed all my pre-reqs and co-reqs? I have a 4.0 right now. I am debating whether I should take this Physio summer class at a JC an hour away because the professor is better than the one I would be taking in the fall at a closer JC. Let me know what you think!

I got 87.4% on my TEAS. That was my 2nd time, but I made the mistake of scheduling to take it the day before my wedding. Yeah... Brilliant! :) I have a 3.983 GPA, but no optional points... So I'm at 71 points.

KathyVandy, I could be missing something, but I double checked your points because they seemed lower than they should be with the scores you posted. I calculated that you should have 74 points...! :up: Sorry, I know that's a creeper thing to do, but I thought you might want to know in case you actually do have higher points than you originally thought. :)

I want to get in, I want us all to get in. I have been working at this for so long, as I'm sure we all have. Good luck to everyone!

So sorry about USF. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! You deserve to go where your heart is, especially with all the work you put into getting where you are. Here's hoping we all get in to CSUS! And then form a study group. hehe.

I feel like this is a dumb question, but... if one of our courses is "in progress" on our application, we only need to pass with a C+ or higher to be admitted, right? Or do they recalculate your admission status based on the grade you get in your in progress classes once they're available?

KathyVandy, I could be missing something, but I double checked your points because they seemed lower than they should be with the scores you posted. I calculated that you should have 74 points...! :up: Sorry, I know that's a creeper thing to do, but I thought you might want to know in case you actually do have higher points than you originally thought. :)

Not creeper at all!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! :) I was kinda bummin, on my score. Feel a bit better about that now :-D

mwmoon: I'm 99% sure that your admitting score is based only on your completed courses and anything in-progress would just have to be passed with a C+ or better. I don't think they recalculate your GPA/ score after December. I could be wrong... The last advising session I was at didn't cover that.

Specializes in School Nurse.
So sorry about USF. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! You deserve to go where your heart is, especially with all the work you put into getting where you are. Here's hoping we all get in to CSUS! And then form a study group. hehe.

I'm down for forming study groups! :) It feels like it's been so long since we've heard anything, I wonder if the next email we get will be the admissions decision email or if they will give us a heads up of when we should be expecting that email...

Specializes in Neonatal, NICU level IV.


KathyVandy is correct. :cheeky:

As long as you pass the in progress courses, SacState does not calculate them in your total. However, if you don't get in to that semester and you reapply for another semester than they will count since they would then be complete.

Guysss this wait is killing me! Just wondering, did any of you guys use your chem 6A grade for the application?

As long as you pass the in progress courses, SacState does not calculate them in your total. However, if you don't get in to that semester and you reapply for another semester than they will count since they would then be complete.

Thank you!! That is a relief.

Just rechecked my GPA... It was 3.931. Darn my one 'B'! Oh well.

Just rechecked my GPA... It was 3.931. Darn my one 'B'! Oh well.

Darn!! Sorry to get your hopes up. I got a B too. 71 points is still promising! Let's stay optimistic. :)

Thanks, mwmoon! I'm still optimistic. :D

Just looked at the update emails from Fall's application. We received an update email with the point cutoffs on April 3rd and the decision emails on May 1st. I wonder if they will even bother sending out the update? :eek::nailbiting:

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