Applying to Sacramento State for spring 2015 question

U.S.A. California


I am applying to Sacramento State for Spring 2015. I still need to take Physio and a few misc. classes like food and nutrition, an arts course, and a english critical thinking course. What I am wondering is this: If I were to take Physio during the summer, got an A lets say, would Sac consider me over other applicants because I have completed all my pre-reqs and co-reqs? I have a 4.0 right now. I am debating whether I should take this Physio summer class at a JC an hour away because the professor is better than the one I would be taking in the fall at a closer JC. Let me know what you think!

jolina716: I used my Chem 6A grade in the application. :)

Just looked at the update emails from Fall's application. We received an update email with the point cutoffs on April 3rd and the decision emails on May 1st. I wonder if they will even bother sending out the update? :eek::nailbiting:

KathyVandy, I looked at the thread on here from the Spring 2014 looks like they got an email on Nov. 19th letting them know that they would get their admission decisions on Nov. 25th. So, I bet if we do get an email with a point breakdown it will be early next week. And then hopefully we hear admission decisions by the end of next week or the first week of December. Eek! I know that's a lot of speculation, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we'll hear something in the next week. :sarcastic:

::fingerscrossed:: !! It's this last week that will be the hardest. :D

::fingerscrossed:: !! It's this last week that will be the hardest. :D

Seriously!! I've been so on edge this whole week, hoping we'd atleast receive an update lol. Wonder why it's taking so long!!!:nailbiting:

KathyVandy, I looked at the thread on here from the Spring 2014 looks like they got an email on Nov. 19th letting them know that they would get their admission decisions on Nov. 25th. So, I bet if we do get an email with a point breakdown it will be early next week. And then hopefully we hear admission decisions by the end of next week or the first week of December. Eek! I know that's a lot of speculation, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we'll hear something in the next week. :sarcastic:

Lets just get the admission decisions email this upcoming week! Enough waiting! Ugh! An answer around Thanksgiving would be a nice surprise.

Specializes in School Nurse.

I've been scouring the sac state nursing website to see if they have posted anything on there about when we might hear the news. Nothing, although I did notice that there will be no advising sessions in December due to "finalizing Spring 2015 admissions."

I hope that doesn't mean that we won't hear anything until December...

I *really* hope we hear soon. Im getting pretty nervous. I have to transfer my student loans over to ARC if I didn't get in at Sac State and I'm worried that is going to delay my payments. It's cutting it waaaaay too close. I also learned that all students at ARC who were offered seats accepted and turned in paperwork so none of the alternates are in yet. I'd love to be the one who gives an alternate their seat when I get into SacState. :)

WE GOT AN UPDATE EMAIL! But it had no real point cutoff. Here's the most important info it gave:

  1. We received 286 applications for 80 seats.
  2. Admission decisions and complete evaluations will be emailed to all applicants Friday, November 28 after 5:00 p.m. (tentative). Please remember to check all of your email folders (inbox, junk, and bulk). If you have not received your admission decision by 5:00 p.m., Saturday, November 29, please email me at [COLOR=blue][email protected] with ADM in caps in the subject line; and if available an alternate email address. We regret we are not able to respond to email or phone calls at this time.

Specializes in Medical-Cardiac ICU.

Just got the email that we will be hearing by Friday after 5. Check your emails! Can't wait!!:nailbiting:

Almost there! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

As soon as you get your email, can you post the point cutoff here in case others haven't gotten their emails yet? The suspense!!!! :)

Specializes in School Nurse.
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