Published Feb 18, 2010
TurtleLittle, BSN, MSN, DNP, RN, CRNA
96 Posts
The deadline for Fall 2010 is March 1st, and we will know the result of acceptance in the middle of April. It's a pretty good time right now for the people applying to the Fall 2010 to gather together. You know, to share the experiences from the torturous waiting, how you think you are doing with your pre-reg and Teas, update information or .... to decide to share the apt with in the future! . If we are accepted, pretty much we will see each other for the next 2 years and a half!
305 Posts
I applied but chico is really my last option. GL to u.
hehe, u r not the only, but it's good to support others! wat r other schools u r applying?
8 Posts
Putting in my application to Chico next week. Hopefully all my hard work pays off :)
^ im applying to CSUEB, SFSU, and Sac State as well.
How is ur stats Brighten, if you don't mind?!
I'm applying for SFSU too, but dropped it because of the expense. It's really pricy for a decent appartment in San Fran. Also, I heard it's harder to register classes over there. I want to have some minors. ^^
Maybe this post is too soon, or not so many ^^
I hope I hear from more ppl after April 15 then!
i have a 4.0 and a 96.5 on the teas. No supplemental stuff for any school though besides for SFSU which is just my volunteering hours. I also got the co-reqs for chico but like I said that school is my last option hopefully.
GL turtle- i bet u have what it takes to get in. =)
0.o! I just called the department at Chico a week ago, one of the staff said there are at least 2600 applications so far for Chico! Whoa, that's much?!
27 Posts
2600 applications?? That is CRAZY!! Are you sure?? I applied as well...can't wait to hear. I did call and the lady told be they TRY to have decisions by April 15 but it could be sooner. So, are any of you going to pay the $200 non refundable intent to enroll fee?? I'm going to wait another week before I send mine in...I want to see if I hear anything first...
I meant later than April 15th!
Hey there!
It was 260 actually! I was so anxious while talking to the lady over there n added one more zero in the number!lolz...... still, it's a high number in general, compared to other schools.
It's a bummer if they make us wait later than April 15th. We would be later for everything. What do u mean the non-refundable fee of admission?!! I called them this morning and they said unless you had the letter of acceptance, no further procedure for you whatsoever!0.o I was totally ******, cuz I need to apply for housing ASAP. They don't even let me know my student ID for that. By the time we know our result, we might already miss all the deadline for housing, GE classes, and other benefits! -.- Do you know they will email us or tell us if we call them after tomorrow rather than just make us wait?!
I also applied for SFSU n Fresno. SFSU, I missed the deadline n kinda hated to be in a "commute" university. And Fresno is....ghetto! ^^......... My priority rightnow is Chico! Otherwise, I will apply to SJSU, which is right next to my house in the Spring!
Keep waiting my friend! GOOD LUCK TO US ALL!