Applying to BCC Jan 2009

U.S.A. Florida


Hi Everyone,

Anyone else out there applying to Broward Community College for the Jan 2009 start date?!!! :clown:I'm so nervous and the application period hasn't even opened yet!

For those of you who were admitted on the point system, what kind of gpa did you have? Were any of you able to use your HOSA waiver? I know that they have eliminated the waiting list. I am going to meet with an advisor next Friday to look at my transfer credits. I hope I get in!

Do you think Pharmacology is doable online? Or too difficult?? What is that class like?

All drugs all the time.

On north and central campuses the course if pretty easy. However, the associate nursing deans are pressuring the pharm teacher to make the course more difficult. Since you're starting in Jan., you don't have enough time to take the course online. If you haven't taken it by the time you start the nursing program, you have to take it on your campus.

Hi leavingTeaching4RN,

I am currently a teacher and I am doing my research to start school to become an RN. I see by your name that you left teaching to do the same. Do you have any tips for me in taking the first steps? I could use any help!


Hi leavingTeaching4RN,

I am currently a teacher and I am doing my research to start school to become an RN. I see by your name that you left teaching to do the same. Do you have any tips for me in taking the first steps? I could use any help!


Are you in the South Florida area? If so, I can guide you to the info you need about the schools in this area.

Hey guys,

I just got the good news that i was accepted!! The only problem is North campus is the only one open I live 48 miles away! Is it possible to take Pharm online (central) and then pick alll my classes face to face at central?


You should check with the dept (Twana Burney) to see if anyone from South wanted to move to North. Sometimes people register wrong or drop out. Unfortunately if the answer is no, you may just need to go to North for the 1st semester. You can always switch for the next semester, as some students will drop.

I was told at the Preadmission, that you must take all your classes on campus- so no, you can't take the Pharmacology online and the rest on campus.

Congrats on your acceptance!!

I see thanks for your post. I will do the drive I am just happy I got in hopefully I can switch.

So excited to start! Congrats to all!:D


i see thanks for your post. i will do the drive i am just happy i got in hopefully i can switch.

so excited to start! congrats to all!:D



i know a few people at north who drive from mia. on the first day of process i, the instructor usually asks everyone to say something about themselves. that could be a good time to see if anyone wants to carpool. just a thought.

From the meeting, Twana did say that you can switch if you live that far.

One thing to keep in mind, is that rumor has it that the best order of campuses to go to are:




So you should consider that too....

Actually, I heard that the order is: North, South and then Central. I don't think it's a rumor for Central either as I heard that it has the largest fail rate our of all campuses. South filled up first because from what everyone is saying, they are going to pass North up this year in best campuses at BC. ;)

Hi the cut off Gpa was 3.3 for last August. Actually BC said it was the first they have had so many applicants over 700 students and only 300 got in. The HOSA waiver is still used. Good Luck.

Specializes in Icu.

Hey, since you got the HOSA points. When did you do HOSA and how old is your HOSA certificate?

Specializes in Icu.

leavingteaching4RN, did you already finish the program or will you be finishing in Aug 2009? Also, upon acceptance how many points did you have in total?

thank you


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