Applicants to Chico for Fall 2014??

U.S.A. California


Hi Everyone!

I'm just putting my feelers out to find others applying to the BSN program at Chico State for the Fall of 2014. The deadline to apply is in a week, so I'm getting excited and antsy!! I am from Arcata (Humboldt County) and live here currently, but I am excited to be hopefully moving to Chico in the fall!!

And are we supposed to be enrolling in classes yet??

To those who were accepted, can you please keep us updated regarding deadlines and such? Just so us alternates get an idea of what to expect in the case that we are accepted! :)

It will be very much appreciated!

Again, congratulations!!!!!!

of course! so far the only date they gave us was the 9th which is the deadline for us to accept/decline

Hello everyone! To those of you who were accepted, which email did they send your decision to? Was it your wildcat email?


I got it at my normal email, but it could be because I have forwarding on the wildcat email.

Hello everyone! To those of you who were accepted, which email did they send your decision to? Was it your wildcat email?


Mine was sent to the same email used for my Nursing CAS account!

Although I am an alternate, I was notified through my e-mail that I used for NursingCAS. I suggest looking through your spam folder!

Good luck! :)

Allaboutkitties, what number alternate did they give you if you don't mind me asking?

I think it would be nice if they kept the alternate list number they are on posted on the website. That might keep me a little less crazy. Does anyone know if they do? I may have missed that somewhere along the line. SSU does but they didn't post until after their deadline of accept/decline to those who got in. I just really want an email from Chico, this waiting even more now is really getting to me.

I just got offered a seat!!

Yay congrats!!! You should join our facebook group! That wait must have been torture, but I'm glad it ended up positive in the end!!

Curlypearly it was horrendous. I called earlier today and they said they were only at #1 and I was so bummed and that seemed so off. And I was at training for work when I found out and just started crying. I will definitely join. I have to tell some people in person before I can do anything on facebook. I want to like all the pages related to Chico lol but I have to tell a few people in person tomorrow first. Thank you for all the moral support you have given me. I can't wait to meet you in person. To those of you still on the waitlist hang in there.

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