Applicants to Chico for Fall 2014??

U.S.A. California


Hi Everyone!

I'm just putting my feelers out to find others applying to the BSN program at Chico State for the Fall of 2014. The deadline to apply is in a week, so I'm getting excited and antsy!! I am from Arcata (Humboldt County) and live here currently, but I am excited to be hopefully moving to Chico in the fall!!

I also got my acceptance email today! Yaay! I think a FB page is a great idea, are one of you ladies going to create one?

15 readers? That's the most I've ever seen on this thread. Hahaha.

Let us know if you've been accepted, waitlisted, or denied! :)

I got accepted too! :D A FB page would be great!

allaboutkitties, I am glad to hear someone else on this thread is wait listed I thought I was the only one. Hopefully we will both get in and fingers crossed we find out sooner than later. I am really not liking this not knowing where I am going or where I will be living in the fall. Congrats on being an alternate. Congrats to everyone who got accepted.

@allaboutkitties: I realized that after I posted that I had meant to say Caligirl but this website makes it hard to delete things! haha. Good luck on your alternate status!!!

Hey guys, I started a FB page! Its called Chico State Nursing Program Class of Fall 2016

hope it works... I've never made a page other than my own and like events and stuff. feel free to make suggestions haha

oh, and my real name is Amelia

I need to create group instead of like a page so anyone wanna find me on facebook so I can add someone to the group ha, It wont let me make a group unless I have people to add

@ the Facebook page created it works but what if we make a group rather than a page so we can see and add who joins it! And we can rant about teachers without them seeing it=]

That sounds great, I kind of didn't know what I was doing. If you make it I'll join!

Haha yeah I totally should have made a group not a page... I deleted the page. Want me to start a group?

Search for: Chico State Nursing Students Fall 2016

Here's the group! Add yourself to the group or send a request and I'll accept you=] So now we can communicate throughout nursing school WOO HOO...Btw my name is Rachel

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