Published Sep 17, 2005
433 Posts
Hello. Just curious if any of you work with adolescent sex offenders at a residential treatment center? Thanks! Would like to hear your input.
138 Posts
I work in a sex offender unit at the regional treatment center. We do have a few adolescent sex offenders. It is a very challenging job at times.
190 Posts
I have worked with sex offenders but only adults, yes it is difficult at times. I struggle the most with the pedophiles...
6 Posts
I work with sexually reactive kids in residential treatment ages 5-18. Tough angry bunch of kids. Even tougher parents!
75 Posts
I'm just a cna/cmt but I also wonder how in the world could you put your morals behind you and take care of sex offenders. i would find that to be very challenging i'm not trying to down grade or judge I just don't think I personally would be able to do that
14 Posts
I work in a residential treatment facility. You will find that most adolescent offenders have been victims themselves for a long period of time before they act out. The stories are horrid, you have to be "called" into this type of work.
432 Posts
I had a patient a few days ago...10 years old....attempted to rape his brother. For the CNA who asked how we can put our 'morals' behind to take care of sex are looking at the situation with a very narrow view. Victims often become perpetrators. I can't speak for others but I personally have no issue with my morals taking a backseat to caring for this type of patient, because if I can help stop a sex offender from breeding more sex offenders, dammit, I'll do it.
50 Posts
Meerkat-you hit the proverbial nail on the head
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
I have no experience in this arena, but do know that when people sexually assault others, it is usually not a sex issue, its a power issue. I work in the ER, so only see the victim. However, I know the odds are that if you are abused, you may become the abuser because you haven't developed better coping skills. My hat's off to all of you that can consistently do this job.
if I can help stop a sex offender from breeding more sex offenders, dammit, I'll do it. Meerkat-you hit the proverbial nail on the head
Thanks :) I work mostly with children/adolescents so the victim-perpetrator cycle is right in my face everyday. But I can sort of see someone who doesn't see the link would question how we can work with them.
rn in 3 years
153 Posts
I'm not a nurse (yet :) ) but I fell it will be my job to take care of the "patient" not the "person". No matter what they did they will be in my care. It will be my job to nurse, not judge.
239 Posts
Providing nursing care to a sex offender does not involve putting your morals "behind you." Providing care does not mean that you are condoning or participating in immoral behavior, it means that you are doing your job as a nurse. No matter what crimes or sins a person has committed, witholding care or providing less than your best care is unprofessional and immoral in itself.