Anyone know when USA will send out notices for Spring??


Specializes in Adolescent Psych, PICU.

I applied for the Family Psych NP program, part time. Still waiting.

Just wondering if anyone has heard anything or talking to anyone concerning when we would all find out?

I applied for USAs spring 2011 Peds NP program. No news yet.

They said they'd send out emails to those accepted. Has anyone received an email from them about getting accepted?

Specializes in Adolescent Psych, PICU.

I have not received an email or snail mail as of yesterday. Keeping my fingers crosses, but Im thinking if I haven't heard anything by today (10/7) then I probably didn't get in.

Everyone share your updates! Congrats to those who will be starting in the Spring!!!

Hi Marilynnmom, I applied for the peds np program and haven't heard anything. I'm getting quite anxious. Good luck to you.

Specializes in ICU.

I applied for FNP/spring 11, I haven't heard anything yet.


I got an email said they would be letting folks know by the end of Oct.. they got over 600 application.. and had to fill out another application because they were full for fall.. I asked them to roll it over.. but it didn't happen

Specializes in ICU.

I never received an email. I haven't called or emailed USA. Howver, the nursing site states accectance notications will be sent out by Nov. 1st.

Specializes in Adolescent Psych, PICU.

Well that is good news then thanks! I'd rather have no news than bad news lol.

Anyone else apply for the PSYCH NP program??

Specializes in Acute Rehab, Short stay obs, ICU, Home H.

Last week, I spoke to someone on the phone regarding my application for spring (ANP program). She said to give them 7 weeks to make a decision. That would put it well into November!

"Last week, I spoke to someone on the phone regarding my application for spring (ANP program). She said to give them 7 weeks to make a decision. That would put it well into November!"

:confused:Wow! Into November? I really thought we'd know by the end of October...

I received my acceptance letter for the USA peds NP program yesterday.

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