Anyone heard back from CSU Sacramento?


Did anyone apply to CSU Sacramento's BSN program for Fall 2009? Have you heard back from them? I'm curious as to when acceptance/rejection/alternate letters will be distributed. I'm a nervous wreck, since Sac State is my first choice. I thought about calling, but I don't want to be a hassle, LOL.

If you applied to Sac State, and are eagerly waiting for your letter or have already received one, shout your news here. :D

Thank you kindly. :redbeathe

Hey I also applied to Sac State, the website says they won't be letting us know until at least mid-MAY yikes! If even then....It seems like they are extremely unorganized and every time I've talked to them they are not very helpful. I supposed you could try calling, if you do, let me know what they say!

I've already sent in a deposit to another school since I don't want to wait around only to get rejected. I did really well on the TEAS and my GPA is only OK, and I didn't have much of the supplemental stuff so I don;t have a whole lot going for me anyways...

But yeah i don't think we will find out for a nother month, if that...let me know if you find anything out!

OMG, I got into Sac State!!!!!!!!!! I'm so, so, so excited, as Sac State is my #1 choice! YAHOOOOO!

congrats! :balloons: good luck in nursing school!!

Congrats on your acceptance!!! Are you attending for Fall 2009 or Spring 2010? Were you an alternate by chance? I'm on the alternate list and hoping to make it in. :)

Hey MBgirl!

I applied for Fall 2009. Yes, I was on the alternate list. I was #21! I didn't think I'd get accepted, but I received a call from Teri Tallman some time last week, and she said my chances of getting in were looking pretty good! :yeah: I couldn't believe it when I got the acceptance email.

What's your alternate #? If you look on the nursing website, you'll see that the last alternate selected thus far is #24.

I hope you get in! It would be cool to know someone else who plans on attending Sac State, since I don't know anyone, LOL. Actually, I haven't yet made up my mind 100% which school I'm going to choose, but I'm definitely leaning towards Sac State, as it's looking pretty darn attractive to me! I wish you the best of luck! :yeah:

That's fantastic news! Congrats :) I actually applied to the Accelerated program, which is now a 2 year program. I'm an alternate for that and just crossing my fingers...

Hi there,

Congratulations to everyone! I'm working on pre-requisits at SCC. Hopefully, I will finish them in March 2010. To get in to Nursing program at SCC and some other colleges, I have to be on the waiting list for 2 years. I'm wondering that how long did you guys have to wait on CSU waiting list? Do you have any advice for me to get in the program sooner?

Thank you.

Is the accelerated program the same program as the regular BSN program? The regular BSN program is only two years long, as well. Are the two programs combined?

The "accelerated program" is a second bachelor's program. It used to run for 15 months straight, hence the "accelerated" name. Because of budget cuts, it has been changed to run concurrently with the regular undergrad BSN program.

Thanks, Mossback, for the explanation. Are you in the program?

Hi there,

Congratulations to everyone! I'm working on pre-requisits at SCC. Hopefully, I will finish them in March 2010. To get in to Nursing program at SCC and some other colleges, I have to be on the waiting list for 2 years. I'm wondering that how long did you guys have to wait on CSU waiting list? Do you have any advice for me to get in the program sooner?

Thank you.

Hey care_gon,

I was only on Sac State's alternate list for about a week. The students on the alternate list who don't get into program don't get priority or anything for the next term. So if you applied for Fall 2009 semester, and you were placed on the alternate list and you didn't get into the program for that term, your alternate number wouldn't carry onto Spring 2010 term. You'd have to apply to the school again. I hope that makes sense.

Sac State determines admissions based on points from nursing prerequisite GPA + last 30 units, TEAS score, and optional criteria. You can learn more about this on their website. As for advice, do really well on prereqs, get a high TEAS score, and put in some hours as a volunteer at a hospital.

I wish you the best of luck!

Thanks, Mossback, for the explanation. Are you in the program?

I'm in the ASBSN program. We applied in January, so we got our acceptances in March.

Sadly, the fall '09 class may be the last ASBSN cohort, at least for a while. The rumor is that funding cuts are focring CSUS to curtail the program.

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