Published Sep 14, 2005
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
English Comp class is Thursday 5:00pm (one day a week). This is Tuesday, 10:06 pm EST The professor just NOW posted the subject (online, it's the only way he'll do it for the 500 word essay that is due this Thursday. And this is the earliest he's posted any subjects.
So it's a constant feeling of waiting-till-the-last-munite, only we're not doing it, HE is.
Almost tempted to ask about it.
505 Posts
I would say something about it. Less than 48 hours is not sufficient notice for 500 words. If you didn't have any responsibilities other than this class, it might be do-able. But almost everybody has a job, or a family, or other classes that make demands on their time.
Sounds like your prof is a procrastinator, and you will suffer for it.
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
I would ask about it, but it is doable!!
I took English Comp in a 3 week course. (Wintermester) It was 1 1/2 weeks, then a 2 week Christmas break, then the other 1 1/2 weeks to finish the class. However, we were not given any information on topics during the break.
Most of our five 500-700 word essays were due in two days, but some were due the next day!!!!!! I made an A+ on all but 4 of the essays, and all of them were read in class by the instructor. The last paper was a research/argumentative, in which I made an A on that one. I think we had 3 days for that paper, but one day was at the library for research and to turn in our research/argumentative topic. (This one had to be at least 800 words. ??)
I realize for some writing papers isn't extremely easy, but I just wanted to let you know it can be done. (Just plan for some sleepless Luckily, after I planned out what I wanted to write, the words just flowed. Maybe they will for you too! :)
I have 2 of my papers online on my website, if anyone wants to read them..."Scars of a Birth Defect" and "Discarded and Disgraced".
The other three were boring. lol
If asking your instructor doesn't change anything, take it in stride, and just do your best!!!
YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! :)
Good luck!!!!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,745 Posts
That's dreadful. What about people who work for a living. It would be my luck I'd be working 12 hour shifts those days. People need time to plan and fit these kind of things in.
My instructors post things in plenty of time, but they take their sweet time grading them.
Good luck.
cardiacRN2006, ADN, RN
4,106 Posts
Maybe you can write a 500 word essay on how irresponsible it is to post assignments at the last minute. You can title it, "The cons of procrastination-a student's guide on struggling through English class".
2,756 Posts
Being a procrastinator myself, it wouldn't have ever helped me any if he had told you at the end of your last class what the topic was. I would still sit down to write the essay at around 2 pm on Thursday. I have always done my best work under pressure.
I might just do that, if we get to pick our own topic sometime.
26 Posts
ALL of my profs are doing it!
My program seems to depend very heavily on the online bulletin boards, which allows profs to not be prepared one class in advance, as they can always post the reading assignments later. Last night at 1 a.m., a TA posted 3 chapters of reading FOR TOMORROW. I went online at 6 and 10 pm, looking for the reading assignments, as last night was when I had time to read. NOTHING. I get up this morning, and there's the assignment!
I was just discussing the problems with having an online component. It is great that we can now get handouts online if we lose them/miss class, but it can also allow both teachers and students to get lazy.
I think it's an inherent problem with the system...people are lazy, and the more tools you give them, the more they will use them to procrastinate!
Having said that.........I guess I should be reading right now, instead of surfing....
z's playa
2,056 Posts
Actually...a 500 word essay really isn't that much IMHO. Now....a 2000 word essay would be something to worry about.
We get to do two of those 500 word essays twice a week. They suck for sure. :)
If it bothers you that much however..mention it. You probably aren't alone.
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
Welcome to English Comp. When I took it, we had to write, on the spot, 500 word essays or essays of at least 3 or 4 paragraphs. At least you're getting a two day warning. Honestly, I'm not trying to belittle this, but as you go forward in your college education you will be required to write much, much more than a 500 word paper. What they are looking for in English Comp is that you organize your writing. Once you have kind of outlined out how you want to set up the paragraphs of your essay the 500 words you need to come up with fit together a bit more easily than you think. Write about things you know. Think in simple terms. . .I'm sure your prof isn't looking to identify the next Albert Einstein, kiddo.