Anyone going to CLC (College of Lake County)

U.S.A. Illinois


I am only in my pre-reqs. I have herd horror stories about not getting high enough scores to get into nursing program. I was wondering if anyone is at CLC, or if anyone can shed light on approximately how long or how many tries does it take to get into the program?


The NLN test score is the only criteria used for selection (assuming that you've met the other screening requirments and prerequsites). The cut off percentile score will vary with each screening period. I just got accepted for spring of 2007, and the cut off for our group was 88.

Thanks!! My NLN pre-entrance exam is tomorrow, so I am quite nervous. I have my application in, my CPR recertification next week and I've gone to the informational class. Other than that, I don't think there is anything else for me to do except just pray that I score high enough.

Lori, good luck on the test. You'll be fine.

Thanks!! My NLN pre-entrance exam is tomorrow, so I am quite nervous. I have my application in, my CPR recertification next week and I've gone to the informational class. Other than that, I don't think there is anything else for me to do except just pray that I score high enough.

I hope that it went well... it's a nerve-racking process!

I hope that it went well... it's a nerve-racking process!

Not so sure how I did...I am not going to count on getting in. I was upset about the science didn't seem like a lot of the questions were ones that they covered in the book. So, I guess at this point I'm just going to pray that somehow I did better than I think. I have heard a lot of people say they didn't think they did well and ended up doing better than they thought, so I hope that is the case with me, but won't hold my breath.

I have my CPR recertification tonight. After that, I have nothing left to do for the screening process.

Please pray that I get in!! I really need this. But if I don't, then I'll just try once again for the Spring of 2008 (but don't want to wait that long since after next spring I am done with all my pre-req's).

Thanks everyone!! I'll let you know when I get my results back. :D

My advice to you guys is believe in yourself and don't let ANYONE discourage you. Don't listen to negative instructors or fall into a trap of fearing a bunch of rumors. Just keep focused on the prize and you'll do fine.

Anyone currently in the program????

I was just accepted into the ADN program at CLC for Spring 2007. I want to get my books but they said they wont be available until the end of December! Does anyone have any suggestions of what I should brush up on for NUR 171??? I'm excited/nervous and any suggestions will help!


I was just accepted into the ADN program at CLC for Spring 2007. I want to get my books but they said they wont be available until the end of December! Does anyone have any suggestions of what I should brush up on for NUR 171??? I'm excited/nervous and any suggestions will help!


:balloons: Congrats on being accepted!! I didn't realize they were offering the night classes beginning in the spring until it was too late or else I would have tried for that also!!:balloons:

If you don't mind, can I ask what your scores were? I did really well in the science section, but not so good in the verbal and ok in the Math.

My composite was 114 and it says my percentage was 72% (for Fall 2007). I am really disapponted in myself be cause the verbal is what brings me down...I can't understand why they would make that section so hard!! I don't get the words!

So, we'll see if I get accepted, but I am certainly not counting on it!! How did you study? I kind feel like it's who got lucky guessing on the verbal part and that makes me mad! If it weren't for that, I probably would have gotten a high enough score and not have to worry about it. What can I do though? Just need some tips on how to study...the book helps, but then again, not really! And I am done with my classes (other than Nursing) after the Spring 2007 semester!

Again, congratulations, you must be so excited to know you got in. I know I would be! :monkeydance:

I am trying to remember off the top of my head what I got but I know that I (surprisingly) did very well. After that test I was almost in tears because I thought I bombed it. I know that I totally didn't know the physics stuff. I bought the review guide that they recommended and pretty much studied the whole thing. I noticed there were some typos in that book though. I agree with you about the verbal. Some of those words I had never heard before!

Pigpen, first off, congrats! I wouldn't get too stressed out about reviewing beforehand. Just look through the handbook and have your modules separated in a binder and organized before you start. It would benefit you to do the reading for your A module before the first day so you have one less thing to worry about. Biggest and most used book 1st semester is the Fundamentals of Nursing. Don't buy all your books in the beginning (like I did :eek: ). Get the main one and work from there. Also, the books and modules were never ready on time when I was in the program, so being as I just graduated in May, I doubt it's changed. The bookstore will get to know you, so you'll walk in and they'll see you and say "Nope, print shop says tomorrow..."

Do you have your schedule yet? Do you know where your first semester clinicals are? Usually 1st half in a nursing home, 2nd half in a hospital. Maybe I'll see you at my hospital! Good luck to you!

Thanks Flowerchic!!! That helps alot. I just got my student handbook and I was a little overwhelmed with all the info but then I realized that it was for all 4 semesters! I know that my clinical is on Monday and its at either NIMC in McHenry or Woodstock. Hopefully McHenry (only 5 min away from home)! Congrats to you on graduating! Where are you working?

Woodstock must be your nursing home rotation (1st 1/2 of the semester) then NIMC would be your 2nd half.

I work at Lake Forest Hospital.

Again, good luck!

I have quick question. I am thinking about challenging NUR 171 at clc. Does anyone happen to have a copy of syllabus. Thanks a lot.

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