Anyone going to CLC (College of Lake County)

U.S.A. Illinois


I am only in my pre-reqs. I have herd horror stories about not getting high enough scores to get into nursing program. I was wondering if anyone is at CLC, or if anyone can shed light on approximately how long or how many tries does it take to get into the program?


When were you going to challenge it for? I am in 171 right now. Are you starting in the fall or something?

I could have challenged out of it too but I wouldnt recommend it. Its good to get in the habits of how the program works and how they test you (and what would a little review hurt?). Its alot different from my other nursing program. I think there are some parts of it you cant test out of either. I will have to check my handbook for it. There is a copy of the student handbook for the nursing program available in the bookstore that will tell you everything you need to know about the program and testing out of it. Its pretty big and its like $11.

Does this help at all.

Thanks a lot Pigpen. You advice is very good and well-heeded. I agree with, that I need to learn some more about the program at CLC. I am planning on challenging it in the fall. My reason is that I have a full-time job and I did not want to waste time, if I save some time.

How do you like the program do far.

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