Published May 22, 2009
28 Posts
I just found out I am pregnant and I am due to start the nursing program in January. Once you start, you have to follow the curriculum strictly. I am worried about this because I work only part time so that I can go to school full time. My boyfriend doesn't even know yet... I don't think that I could go through with an abortion, but how am I going to finish school? It is not like we have a semester off or anything, so what if I go into labor in the middle of a semester and fail a class and get kicked out? I will be devestated! I am so confused, scared, and honsetly sick!
72 Posts
Unfortunately it does happen. I had a girl that was pregnant, but she was due in the summer. So, she finished third semester, then had the baby like in June or July when there was a break.
For me it was a different story. I found out I was pregnant with my son in Feb, and he was not due until Oct. Well Spring of 2006, my son made me very sick, but I was able to finish my third semester, and then had to take off. They changed how you get back in, so I took the Fall off, and tried to get back in all of 2007. Finally in Spring 2008, I was able to get back into 4th semester and finish. Now a grad for year and my RN almost a year. I also worked full time as a tech and secretary going through the first 3 semesters 3-11 schedule and then 4th semester I worked 16 hour shifts on Sat and Sun.
You haven't started yet and it will be that much harder for you to leave your newborn to be cared for possibly by strangers (don't know your home situation). My husband was able to stay with our son, so we were able to forego day care especially while he was little. Nursing school is a full time job. I was one of the students that my ever waking moment was spent with my head in a book. I had a very hard time with learning the NCLEX "hospital" way of life to pass the test. You have to put nursing school first and that is so hard when you have a newborn that really should be first.
Before you decide what you want to do, you really should tell your boyfriend and talk about your decisions together. Good luck to you.
380 Posts
since u don't start until jan. try 2 sort everything out now. have a backup plan and de. let your boyfriend know, you're 2 be needing support. i think it all depends on the person's mentality. i was in the nursing program in 2003 and myself and 2 other gils were pregnant, i know one personally finished 101, i didn't pass by 2 pts. but was recently accepted to start in the fall of 09. u will have restrictions in clinicals and i believe u were allowed 1 semester off w/o being penalized. god bless u n whatever decision u make. oops, i meant 2 say she finished nursing 101
195 Posts
During my program, there were a few girls who were pregnant going into nursing school or got pregnant during. They all did fine and graduated. If you miss a test because you're having a baby, they'll let you make it up. One of the men in our program missed a test because his wife was delivering, he made it up too. If you miss a clinical day, you can make that up too, as long as you don't miss too many.
The only way it would become a serious problem is if for some reason you get put on bedrest, which doesn't happen to most women.
68 Posts
I got pregnant during my last year of nursing school. I found out In December, and my baby was due in August (after graduation). I was very scared, upset, excited, discouraged all at the same time. It was an emotional rollercoaster. My first trimester I was VERY VERY sick, and I lost about 16-17 pounds. But, I was in my senior courses and preceptorship and there was no way I was going to quit with only this one last semester. Was it easy? No. Was it worth it? Of course. I told my instructors what was happening but in no way did I expect a handout or to get by. I was just covering myself in case something did happen. Luckily, you will be just starting school so your clinical load may not be as heavy as mine was. As long as you have a plan, and are determined and focused, you can do this. I was away at school so basically I was on my own with the support of friends. I am proud to say I graduated magna cum laude, I studied hard and took the NCLEX-while pregnant and passed the first time. My baby was kicking and I was a nervous wreck during the test but I did it- and you can do this too. I am now a RN and the proud mother of a 9 month daughter. I am a living testimony to this-and now I am a single mother. I know you can do this!!! It isnt the end of the world if you miss a test- or clinicals. Just know you have to make this up in a timely fashion. Do not expect to be babied, because more than likely, you will not be.
My advice is to get as much support as you can, tell your boyfriend, and make whatever decision you feel is best for you. It will be tough, but in the end you feel so rewarded. Good luck!!!
NurseCard, ADN
2,850 Posts
I did. I had my baby towards the end of my third semester, missed a test, was able to make it up, and then got through my fourth and last semester just fine. I had a *LOT* of family support though; that's really crucial. If you don't have support from family and/or close friends, I imagine it would be quite tough.
Southern Fried RN
107 Posts
Having an abortion just to finish nursing school doesn't make sense. In the grand scheme of life you might end up seriously regretting the abortion, and choosing to delay completion by a few semesters isn't going to cause anywhere near the same regret.
I had a friend with a 4 and 6 yr old when she started nursing school. She got pregnant the first semester, had the baby and then was pregnant AGAIN about 6 months later. That baby was born right after pinning. She also had a worthless husband to boot while she worked part-time. She got A's and B's in all the courses. Yes, she was stressed alot and had to prioritize ALOT but it was goal she wanted and worked hard to achieve.
You are not the first pregnant person the school has ever worked with. They should allow you to re-enter after a semester off or something. Concentrate on being pregnant and taking care of yourself! You are going to have a child and that is more important whether some school is going to flunk you just because you went into labor. My nursing program had a severely anorexic woman who they allowed to complete treatment and she was able to rejoin a few semesters later. Talk to someone at the school and your boyfriend before you rush into any decisions about abortion.
545 Posts
Things happen- talk to your school about making accommodations. I DID go through more than half of my LPN program while pregnant (although it wasn't expected, it was worth all the hard work!). As soon as I found out, I told my teacher and dean. They gave me permission to miss X amount of days when I went into labor (luckily I had a healthy non-complicated pregnancy that went beyond 40 weeks). Anyway, I ended up finishing school before he was born so I never had to worry about that.
During school, it was hard to concentrate- I was always very dedicated to school and all I could think about is what color to paint the room or what name to call him ect.. You might have to prove yourself more than the next person because you are probably going to get a special kind of treatment. During my clinicals, my teacher was very overprotective of me. She made sure to tell each nurse on the floor that I was pg and not to let me into certain patient rooms (like those with radiation, shingles ect..).
It would be easier for you to ask if you can be pushed back 1 term and start in the fall instead. Make sure they give you a spot! It might push you back 1 semester but it will be easier for you is this is an option. It will be very hard to rest, sleep or study when the baby is up every 2-3 hrs in the beginning. Good luck, my post wasn't meant to scare you or anything.. I'm just telling you the truth. Regardless of what happens- kids are the best thing in the world!
52 Posts
I f God let you get pregnant, its for a reason. You will be fine! Take it one day at a time and enjoy the blessings, everything will be okay!
121 Posts
If I was you, I would suffer through it. Don't give up nursing school or the baby. Have it all. Depending on the relationship with the boyfriend you may need to be an RN even more now. Rely on family and friends for support. My mama is watching my three young ones three days a week while I am in nursing school
44 Posts
It is soooo do-able!! I am in my last semester of nursing school. Right smack dab in the middle I got pregnant with my 5th child. All of my children are young as well 9, 6, 5, 3 and now 1. My husband is VERY traditional so I have kept up with all of my stuff here at home (all of the house work, meals etc.), as well as the school work. If I can do this I know with out a doubt that you can as well. Have faith in the Lord and in yourself and you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. I know it may be scary but you can do this....I promise, it just might take some hard work. Best of luck on everything.
225 Posts
My best friend has been an RN for 6 years now, and she got pregnant with her 3rd child during nursing school. The school let her take a semester off, and she did just fine. However, she used to do her homework at 3 am before her kids woke up. I, personally, do not know how she did it, but she says that it was doable since her kids were small. Her kids are older now and have sports, events, etc., and she doesn't think she would have the energy to do it now. Just know that you will be okay no matter what. I agree with the poster who said that in the big realm of things, it is not going to be a big deal if you have to take a semester off, start a semester late, etc. Enjoy your time being pregnant, and your first baby.