Updated: Mar 23, 2020 Published Nov 2, 2010
755 Posts
Just got the news today that my husband was denied life insurance coverage due to "abnormal lab results". Of course due to HIPAA the agent wasn't given specific information, just that she should give us the heads up that my husband should see his Dr asap. I am FREAKING out, being a nurse I have all these awful thoughts going on in my head that he has a terminal illness!! We will be getting a copy of the lab results in a couple days, just hoping for the best. Has anyone else ever been denied life insurance due to something that WASN'T serious???
203 Posts
Not denied but put in a higher risk category for being "obese". I had a baby a year earlier and weighed about 35 pounds more than I had before, now at 205lbs. Even though I had been upset about my weight, I don't appear to be obese at 5 feet 8 inches, and very large chested.
I am wondering if maybe he has diabetes? Maybe it's just that something showed up, like diabetes and because it was not declared on his paperwork they are denying at this time. They are pretty strict when something shows up that was not declared.
I know with mine, they told me to check back in Jan. for a lower rate, if I had lost the weight. Maybe he will become eligible once his labs are back in check.
Please let us know how his Dr. appointment goes. Praying for a healthy hubby.
358 Posts
I was denied for having high fructose and glucose in blood work. Later, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
127 Posts
Sometimes a high PSA result will preclude you. However be aware that this test is NOTORIOUSLY unreliable and so please research the test before you jump to possible conclusions and stress out over nothing. If it is elevated PSA then ask for a retest.
344 Posts
Not denied, but pay higher premium due to medical issues and having ADHD!
1,361 Posts
Yes, I've been declined at 26 because I was a smoker and had HTN and was adopted, no family genes to track. This was after a blood draw, where I claimed to be a smoker at the higher rate.
I"m not saying the adoption was the indicator, only that the "unknown" not the blood work, or a lack of family history may have been apart of it.
Don't borrow trouble, have the hubby go to a physical if the info won't be released to relieve your worries. We were denied because I sought excess benny's and was considered too high risk, although my health is good. Had to purchase it elsewhere, and it was cheaper in the long run.
Deep breath, doesn't mean the worst scenerio........
Thanks for the replies ladies, went in to see the insurance lady today and they are going to fax me the results either today or tomorrow. All the life insurance person said was that it is not a "chronic" problem....that worries me even more!!! I guess they had one of thier doctors review the labs too, so i will keep you posted. I wish i wasn't such a worrier, but i am!!
Altra, BSN, RN
6,255 Posts
All the life insurance person said was that it is not a "chronic" problem....that worries me even more!!!
This is a meaningless comment from a nonmedical lay person that would carry no weight with me, as she has no knowledge of what your husband's labs have been in the past and therefore has nothing to compare it to ... and no medical knowledge to interpret the implications of whatever the lab result is.
Of course I have no idea what it is, but it could be something as straightforward as hyperlipidemia which will respond well to a change of diet and possibly some meds. Remember, the insurance industry deals only in statistical risk, nothing more, nothing less. It's not personal.
Wishing you & your hubby well.
5,978 Posts
I wanted a higher level of coverage and was denied because I have asthma.
Carol Prathers
1 Post
I got denied insurance, then went online about 5 weeks ago and googled life insurance for nurses and found YourLifeSolution.com.
As far as getting coverage for asthma, it absolutely can be done. I ended up getting coverage through Genworth from YourLifeSolution and was able to get 'preferred' rates despite my astma history.