Anyone else going to the Nursing Career Fair at Jacob Javits on 10/21?

U.S.A. New York


Hi all,

I hope all of you are well. Are you going to the Jacob Javits career fair on 10/21? I've never been to one before, so if you have gone to one before please share your experience. How did you organize your day? Did you get your RN job this way? Do I need a cover letter with all the resumes? Thanks so much!



I just came back from the job fair also. I thought it was okay. Some of the tables/agencies/hospitals were nicer to the nurses, especially the new grad nurses, than others. The Elizabeth Seton Peds center just up and left and their table was empty when I got there, which I found kind of strange. The stacks of resumes for Mt. Sinai, Sloan-Kettering, Maimonides were HUGE for new grads, which doesn't make me feel very confident in my chances of getting a phone call for at least an interview!

I found some of the staffing agencies interesting and the people there very nice. They were talking about per diem flu shot clinics, which I would be interested in doing.

It's tough out there! Not just for new grads either! There were a lot of people there from hospitals which have closed, like St. Vincents and North General. I felt bad for those nurses! Those hospitals pretty much just kicked their entire staff to the curb without much help or guidance.

Anyway, I hope the job fair turns out well for everyone. If not, we'll just have to keep doing what we always do- search for jobs!

Specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy.

Yeah, I was at the job fair. Those lines were insane! I only wish the media was there to cover this fair so we can finally put to rest the myth about the nursing shortage. Seeing is believing, and when you see the foot-high stacks of resumes (and I am NOT exaggerating) plus the long lines, it's hard to keep up the illusion of there being a nursing shortage. Anyway, like others said I didnt' go in with very high hopes so I was not disappointed. Some highlights: meeting quite a few classmates, getting some tips on how to tweak my resume, collecting lots of pens and gadgets (wont' be running out too soon), and picking up some cards of nurse recruiters.

There were also representatives from a city job placement agency that operates out of LaGuardia Community College. Supposedly they help place new grads in healthcare positions. I'll give them a call and see what comes of it. If anyone wants to give it a try, the number is 718-609-2144, [email protected].

Thanks for that phone number and e-mail address! That was very nice of you to post that!

Don't forget all of the free candy along with the pens and gadgets! :)

Specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy.
Thanks for that phone number and e-mail address! That was very nice of you to post that!

Don't forget all of the free candy along with the pens and gadgets! :)

Yes, but I attended the infection control workshop and she made a point of mentioning NOT to stick your hands into jars of loose candy (which at least one exhibitor was offering).

Spill it nurses! How was the career fair?

Specializes in NICU.

I went to the same career fair a year ago, and it really was a waste of time. Like the others said, a lot of the exhibitors show up only to tell you to go online and apply. Others shoo you away once they find out that you're a new grad.

That health care career center at laguardia is a complete waste of time. I would advise RNs not to even bother. I went down there and signed up with all my info, they had "interviews" lined up all week for me (when I went a month ago). The first "interview" was not even an interview. It was just an information session and the recruiter was there calling everyone one by one into a room (people are thinking they're getting interviewed, but no) and was basically telling everyone how to apply to their home care agency. He spent about 20 min with each person so most people spent the entire day there just to get "information".

The second "interview" I went, they were supposed to have two employers show up. These people were soooooo disorganized!!! They kept calling names and saying ok come to this room. They'd leave you in the room with no one coming in to give updates for about an hour. Then they'd call more names and shift you to another room and tell you "oh there's a lot of people here so excuse the wait we're overwhelmed". More shifting from room to room. Mind you they told us be there at 9 and at noon, nobody has had a single interview. At about 1:00 they called more names into a small room and were like we're sorry, one of our employers pulled a no call no show so they're not coming. We were buying time and hoping they'd show up but it's 1:00 and we cant get in contact with them. Are you kidding me? They weren't polite enough to give us any update, had us sitting there in a room for hours, no one even said if you want to get coffee or a snack feel free because it's going to be a while. The other exhibitor hadn't even begun to interview people and there was about 60 nurses.

Unprofessional, and a huge waste of time. They don't have the big contracts they claim they do and they don't have any hospital jobs. It's nothing but chart review nurse companies, home care agencies, flu shot kind of work. Just talking about them gets me riled up. FYI I haven't heard from them since.

I went to the same career fair a year ago, and it really was a waste of time. Like the others said, a lot of the exhibitors show up ...

Thanks for looking out!

Specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy.

Thanks for the heads-up, Layna. I kinda suspected that there wasn't anything they could do for me that I couldn't do for myself (I dont' put much stock in these city agencies) but thought it might be worth a try. Considering that it's a 1.5 hour trip for me just to get there, doesn't sound worthwhile to follow up.

hey all, i was wondering if anyone had any information about maimonides? is it a good hospital/good place to learn as a new grad? any information would be really appreciated! thanks!

Specializes in ICU,Hemodialysis.


I haven't been one of the Career Fairs in the past.If I'm planning on going to this career fair,except my resume what else should I bring? :idea:I want to be prepared, even though I kind of know the chance for getting a job is pretty low,but what the heck.Thanks a lot.


I haven't been one of the Career Fairs in the past.If I'm planning on going to this career fair,except my resume what else should I bring? :idea:I want to be prepared, even though I kind of know the chance for getting a job is pretty low,but what the heck.Thanks a lot.

Hi Tina,

I brought about 30 copies of my resume. You don't need anything else but that, a nice smile, professional clothes, and thick skin for the people that will give you attitude for being a new grad. Good luck! PS, you'll get to meet nice reps from certain organizations that you can ask a card from. When you get the list of all the career fair booths, make a plan to visit the ones you definitely want to meet with and give your resume to.


I haven't been one of the Career Fairs in the past.If I'm planning on going to this career fair,except my resume what else should I bring? :idea:I want to be prepared, even though I kind of know the chance for getting a job is pretty low,but what the heck.Thanks a lot.

The career fair at the Javits Center already took place back in October. Luckily, there is a similar one, with many of the same hospitals and attendees, being held next Tuesday November 9th at Citifield in Flushing Queens. Heres the link to the event, Just bring lots resumes, you won't get interviewed there, but maybe something positive will come of it, especially if you have experience. Good Luck!

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