Anyone else apply to Sutter Extended Campus in Sacramento?

U.S.A. California


Tick tock tick tock... I'm dying to hear back. *taps foot*

Thanks everyone! The email came in at 2:45. Hope to see you in my class!

Well it's after 5pm and no email, so maybe those of us who haven't heard anything might get an email tomorrow. Sleepless night and tossing and turning here I come LOL!

So another day of driving ourselves crazy? I wish I could stay away from my computer and stop checking my email, but it's impossible. Hopefully they didn't send out all the acceptances today. (fingers crossed) Good luck to everyone waiting!

Hey all- just got the email that I'm an alternate for Sutter. Hopefully it will go in my favor.

2bgr8nurse, hopefully you'll get in!! What number on the alternate list are you?

Well when I called to inquire about how many alternates there are and what number I am she told me they wouldn't tell me. I just need to attend the orientation and find out then what they want me to know.

Really? That's an interesting process.... well, hopefully you'll get all of your questions answered at orientation. Good luck :)

Hey 2bgr8nurse,

I just got the email that I am an alternate too. I wonder how many are on the list and how many usually get in. Would have been nice to know what alternate # we are. Kind of sucks, but I'm hoping that you get in. Still got my fingers and toes crossed for us both Im guessing if the yes emails came yesterday, and the alternate came today, the no emails will arrive tomorrow...back to the drawing board.

Well, congrats and good luck to everyone who got in or is an alternate. I bet the next year and a half are going to fly by and you will be nurses before you know it!

CPP883- you never know, don't count yourself out yet. Good luck to you!

I got accepted to Sutter Extended Campus! I was so exited that I broke down in tears. I have been trying to get into a program for 2 years. I am sure most of you have been trying just as long if not longer. Anyone know how many applicants there were?:)

Congratulations on being accepted to the Sutter program! Many of us were on pins and needles waiting for the emails. I was hoping all of us would be in class together, I was sorry not to see the acceptance emails come to the lot of us. It sounds like there were about 100 applicants this round. I'll see you at orientation. Did you pick up your packet yet?

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