Anyone attending Mildred Elley in N.Y.C?

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students


How is Mildred Elley's LPN Program? Is it well organized?

@ Juniebug...I recently went to mildred elley for the info session and everything sounded really good except for when you read the application it states that the "they are still a satellite school" even though the worker said other I know supposedly that they change but if so then why are they still requiring you to sign an application that states other wise!!

Hey Muneca13!!

Satellite school?! If that's the case they might as well put it in a DVD format and we pay a nice SMALL fee; and take it from there. Don't sign the application until you get clarity (in writing). Did you register for the BALC? If so, did you receive you materials in the mail because I'm still waiting on mine. I would like to start a program now and not wait until the Fall to begin on, but the money situation is bothering me.

Specializes in Emergency,Tele,Peds,Home care.

@ would think that for $30,000 that they would revise the application if what it states is false..then the rep was telling me that I should beware of CANNJ because they might have a waitlist for clinicals...I've never heard of such a thing! Not to mention that she stated that they are currently in the process of making contracts with facilites for clinical rotation..She also stated that we may be sent anywhere for clinicals...Did I forget to mention that they do not have any articulation agreement with a bridge program... I wouldn't advise anyone not to go there..but I would advise them to question anyything that they may not understand or make sense1:confused:

@ would think that for $30,000 that they would revise the application if what it states is false..then the rep was telling me that I should beware of CANNJ because they might have a waitlist for clinicals...I've never heard of such a thing! Not to mention that she stated that they are currently in the process of making contracts with facilites for clinical rotation..She also stated that we may be sent anywhere for clinicals...Did I forget to mention that they do not have any articulation agreement with a bridge program... I wouldn't advise anyone not to go there..but I would advise them to question anyything that they may not understand or make sense1:confused:

One may think the reason why their (Mildred) telling you to beware of CANNJ would be because it is known in NY and NJ, verses their 'new' program in Manhattan. They're trying to gain revenue and the only way they can do that is bad month their competitor. Anyways, since you got accepted into the CANNJ program, stay with them because I haven't heard much bad reviews about them expect the tuition.

Specializes in Emergency,Tele,Peds,Home care.
One may think the reason why their (Mildred) telling you to beware of CANNJ would be because it is known in NY and NJ, verses their 'new' program in Manhattan. They're trying to gain revenue and the only way they can do that is bad month their competitor. Anyways, since you got accepted into the CANNJ program, stay with them because I haven't heard much bad reviews about them expect the tuition.


It really seems like you have a good head on your shoulders, I hope you get into to school soon, try not to contemplate it too much! do you have kids? i know that you worry about tuition but sometimes we really think too much about iti, I've thought about it for so many years and have not acted upon it untill i am here 27, a husband and two little babies!:uhoh3:

Hi, I went to the info session at Mildred Elley today and I was very skeptical. The admissions rep informed me that the program is 29k, there are morning, night and weeknd classes. He also stated that there are pre-req that are required to take at the school as well. What I didnt like is while filling out the admission application he wanted me to write that I was applying for the "Medical Assistant" program which is false. I don't wanna get stuck being force to attend a program that I do not want to attend. Another thing that worried me is there are only 60 slots for the ACTUALLY Nursing program. The director told me himself that even if I passed all of my classes with the required B-, I'm still not guranteed a slot into the Nursing program. I feel that paying 30,000 for a certificate should at minumn gurantee that with passing grades. If anyone attends the program and have any positive feedback, I would appreciate it because I wanna try the program because I know that I can pull an 85 average however I would like to know someone who has done it too. Thanks:)

I went to the info session at MIldred Elley last year and did not like it. The admissions rep also tried to sell propsective nursing students into going for th medical assistant certificate. Take in mind that in order to take the NCLEX, the school requires you to pass an exit exam. In 2009, out of about 30 students, only 4 ever took the NCLEX:

If the admissions rep bragged to you about how they have a "100% NCLEX pass rate," now you know why. They only let the smartest students take it. Everyone else is out of luck. They will graduate with thousands in non dischargeable debt and no job prospects.

I checked out that website as well. I'm think I'll pass on this school and go with my first intuition. I have no desire at all to study or become a Medical Assistant. I feel the program is a setup to get students into the Medical Assitant program which is over priced. Also Medical Asssitant usually go back to school to become a Nurse so that would be set me back dratically in more than one way. I went to Lincoln Technical in Paramus, NJ however that was to far and they are very unorganized. I've been attempting to return to the program and the director always has an excuse. I feel a lot of these schools are taking advantage of students because they know that it is extremely competitive to get into a LPN/RN program.

At Mildred Elley we, like most colleges that offer LPN programs, have very rigorous and competitive requirements for entrance into our LPN program, consistent with and in fulfillment of expectations of the New York State Education Department’s Office of Professions.

Students have certain prerequisites that they are required to meet, and they must demonstrate academic proficiency in those courses as well as perform well in standardized tests to be considered for admission into our program. One way to obtain admissions into the LPN program, which again is a process one finds at other colleges that offer an LPN or RN program, is to enroll in another program in the college, such as Medical Assisting, and successfully complete the prerequisite coursework. Again, should you enroll, there is no guarantee that you will be accepted into the LPN program. We select the top academic students from within our college to matriculate into the LPN program. If you are not granted entrance into the LPN program, you can continue with the Medical Assisting program. You will still graduate with an Associate’s Degree in an allied health field that is in high demand. If you have further questions, please feel free to call our admissions department at (212) 380-9004.

Faith Takes-President and CEO, Mildred Elley

I am suppose to be starting the program in July. Some of the prereqs are the same for medical assisting and LPN. So it is my understanding that if you meet the required B- (?) grades in your prereqs, you should be able to move on to the LPN program. I already have an associates degree and I'm taking the certification exam soon for medical assisting. I have no intentions of doing the entire medical assisting program again. I'm still so confused.

When I applied in August, they told me I scored high enough to enter directly into the LPN program. Now they told me the rules have changed and now you have to start out taking medical assisting classes (prereqs). Why cant you just register as pre-nursing and take the prereqs. Why do you have to be enrolled as a ma first and hope for a LPN spot? I think that is what most people are having a problem understanding.

@Faith maybe you can clear some things up for us. I am truly torn but I would like to do my program at Mildred Elley.

@Boohill that's how I feel. Y would I sign up for a program (Medical Assisting) if I don't I don't want to become one? That is what is misleading about the program and to @dcohen the director of the Nursing program said that there isn't a guaranteed that any student would be accepted into the LPN program with passing grades. The whole "system" of applying into the LPN program is a loop hole for the school because technically they just received their accrediation. Only 4 students passed the NCLEX exam in 2009 and on top of that I've been to other programs, (Allied Nursing School, Hohokus, Lincoln Technical) and they do not have this procedure. And all of those schools offer a Medical Assisting program too. I know that if you are paying 30k there should b a guarantee spot waiting for students at the end of studying the pre-req's if they passed all of the classes. Because that is the procedure at any other institutions and should u fail, yes you are required to take the course again. Plus you don't have to sign anything requiring you to sign up into a program (Medical Assisting) that you don't have any interest in. My advice is to be careful and READ every document before signing. Also do your research at other schools and at the end make a logical decision for YOU!

@msb6 I dont have a problem taking the preqreqs. I have a problem with not knowing if I will have a seat in the LPN program after they are done. I agree if we meet the grade requirements, we should get a spot.

I dont mind paying the expensive tuition either to bypass waiting lists because at my CC the waiting lists are outrageous.

I think Im going to go for it but I would still like to speak with others who are considering this school or have completed the program.

Also I fully agree with Mildred Elley system in the beginning. The students are required to pass pre-req to show the school that they are academically ready to start the Nursing curriculum which I have heard is extremely intense. What I do not agree with is after a person who has study for six months and passed the required classes are still not guranteed a spot into the Nursing program. What happens to the people who already have a Medical Assisting certificate? They take a $20,000 course AGAIN?!? Plus that is a REQUIREMENT of the school that a student who is interested into the LPN program HAVE to intially sign-up into the Medical Assitsing program, which is totally confusing to me. I'm not signing anything that states that I'm signing up for something I have no intrest in at $20,000 dollars. Also the school give you a letter that states "Remembering the Pratical Nursing is highly competitive, we strongly encourage you to pursue Medical Assisting now. Regardless of whether you wish wish to pursue Pratical Nursing, or whether you are admitted into the program, you will quickly discover that the Medical Assisting program indeed well prepares you for entry into the health care industry"! So they are preparing students to go into the MEDICAL ASSISTING program. And there are thousand of Medical Assisting programs that are cheaper than Mildred Elley's. The school seems to be professional, nice environment and has small classes. If I had interest in entering a Medical Assisting program and Nursing was my second career choice, I would say go for it. But if Nursing is what you want to do than make sure that you do your research.

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