ANybody recieved interviews for CSULB spring 2011?

U.S.A. California


Hi, I was told by an acquaintance that interview invitations for spring 2011 BSN will handed out by september 20th.

THis does seem kind of early, but I haven't heard back from CSULB at all and so I was wondering when the interviews are. The CSULB lady has been very busy and hasn't gotten back to me.

Does anybody know if interview invitations have already been handed out for fall 2010 admissions?


hmm the website is mislinked right now... but from bcho's posts earlier: spring 2009 was 9.66; spring 2010 without transfers was 9.59; fall 2010 was 8.94-9.88

budget cut i'm guessing...but since budget is restored i hope it's back to 90. thank goodness CSULB accepts around 90 though.. cuz other schools like CSUF and CSULA only accept 60 or less.

What is the earliest they will post the physical list on campus of those accepted?

the list should be up on november 1st.

oh.. aznbc105, thanks!

9.88 is very high lol

I also hope that budget cut restoration will bring the number up to 90..

wait, aznbc105, you are transferring?

Well, think of this way, since the program wasn't sure if the budget was going to be passed they probably picked a set number of transfers and CSULB students. And since the notification of the budget was during the interview, they can't recall the interview again. So most likely were going to see the same pattern as spring 2010.

hmm, i guess you are right Bcho86.

lets hope the bestt for all of us :D

I asked specifically after our interviews were finished how the budget that just got passed would impact spring 2011 and she said that CSULB was already guaranteed to accept 90 students, including transfer students, for spring 2011. That is what they told our group of 8. Sounded pretty clear to me.

No I'm not a transfer, I'm a CSULB student. Took all my pre-reqs at CSULB.

Bcho- what are you talking about with the same pattern as Spring 2010? Spring 2010 only consisted of CSULB students and NO transfers. You're right that they can't recall the interview, but that also means they don't have to accept everyone that gets interviewed. Plus there are people like me, who did not participate in the interview this time, but have a chance at being apart of the 90 spots.

jomort- yeah they had partial funding already before the budget restoration.

Oh my bad, let me rephrase not the same pattern as spring 2010, but in between 2010 Spring and Fall 2010? haha

from what i've heard, spring 2011 is going to be just about as hard to get into as fall 2010, like the cutoff being .one point or so below. we'll find out in 2 weeks!

So, bad news for me, good for the rest of you. I received a letter today from CSULB saying that I am not accepted into the university. I thought, noooooo first, then whyyyyy! Well I'm currently taking two transfer classes for general admission along with my last prereq for nursing. Those two transfer classes, I found in the fine print, were supposed to be completed by this last summer for consideration in spring. I feel upset to say the least.

I got a letter from the nursing program for interviews, went, and am now waiting for the reply. Lets say they do accept me, can the nursing program have any sway on general admissions? Can they pull any strings to get me in? Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

Please help.


I recall someone had a similar problem in the previous Fall 2010 forum

CSU Long Beach School of Nursing (Fall 2010) - Nursing for Nurses

Good luck, hope everything works out.

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