ANybody recieved interviews for CSULB spring 2011?

U.S.A. California


Hi, I was told by an acquaintance that interview invitations for spring 2011 BSN will handed out by september 20th.

THis does seem kind of early, but I haven't heard back from CSULB at all and so I was wondering when the interviews are. The CSULB lady has been very busy and hasn't gotten back to me.

Does anybody know if interview invitations have already been handed out for fall 2010 admissions?


I really hope its by email!! Thats the quickest way!! Yeah during my interview they said nov 1st and a letter too.

I just hope we r as lucky as last springs applicants.. I wish I knew everyones score on the point scale to get a feel of the competition.. I have an 8.7 .... im not feeling too confident!

hello girl4nursing,

Yeah I hope to hear from them asap too....don't worry 8.7 is not that bad...mines like 8.3 :(....really hope to get in, but i see really little chance.

Hope we all get in :)

Don't worry from here, the school can't discriminate and accept all upper scores, there needs to be a some equal distribution of scores. Hence why some 4.0 students get reject from perstigious universites.

but then again, they said that they would accept the students in grade order from #1-90

oh, and they said they weren't doing emails this time. that it would be by a letter.

yeah they told us three weeks too last spring... but they will probably mean it this time since you stated it is only by letter now... boo! it was email AND letter last spring...

good luck everyone!

No they do not consider CSULB students over transfers.

Counselors at Brotman Hall said they consider transfers over CSULB students, on the other hand, the nursing department said it's equal.

We'll see... and who knows how many alternates there will be... i have a score of 9.01 and they said i'm in the "middle" of the pack.

But yes, they ONLY accept people with the top scores in the 90 spots (i hope there's 90... for Fall it was only 78). Nursing school is tough, so they need high-achieving students who can handle the rigorous workload and won't quit, therefore, only accepting the top qualifiers.

I really hope its by email!! Thats the quickest way!! Yeah during my interview they said nov 1st and a letter too.

I just hope we r as lucky as last springs applicants.. I wish I knew everyones score on the point scale to get a feel of the competition.. I have an 8.7 .... im not feeling too confident!

yeah i had an 8.76 (with mircro in progress) and was at the bottom of the alternate list for fall 2010 out of 40 alternates. But since I've completed micro, my score rose. But Spring should be less competitive than Fall's.... I hope. haha. It's definitely the easier term to get into out of the two!

My confidence just dropped lower! Lol

I guess if 9.01 ish is the middle there is hope for my 8.7

Plzz let me be #90 haha

I really hope all of us, bloggers, get it!! :-)

I do not want to wait again! So close!


I'm sure you'll get in! 8.7 is really good! If 9.0 ish is around the middle then I'm guessing the lowest score to be accepted is an 8.5 ish? But don't lose hope!

Remember, nursing is about preserverence and positivity!

Awwww thanks aznbc105!!!! I really hope so! :-)

2 1/2 weeks to wait!

aznbc105, do you know what the very top scores are for previous years' acceptance?

Oh, and sometimes they dont pick all 90 students? but less?

why is that....

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