Any 22 weekers out there?


last night in our level 3 unit, out team with over to l&d for a code. it was for a 22 and 3/7 weeker! they coded that poor kid for 50 mins:mad:. has anyone ever heard of this? has any one taken care of an infant under 23 weeks and it lived even an few days. after 26 years somedays i just wounder what is next. how low can we go?!:confused:

Specializes in ICN.

We get 22 weekers from time to time, although not recently. I don't recall one ever surviving.

One time, we had a small for gestational age 29 weeker who was doing well despite being barely 14 oz, and right beside was a 22 weeker exactly the same size. It was odd to see them side by side--the 29 week baby was flexed, one tiny fist in her mouth, contentedly sucking. the 22 weeker just lay there like a pithed frog--so very sad. Only lasted a few days.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, educator.

I am suspecting that your 22 weeker may have dubo'd higher. We've had a few 23 weekers survive but never a 22 weeker. But if he was a true 22 weeker, he should be written up in a journal so others can see what type of care, etc he received!

Yeah the other night when we were talking about him I was thinking he MUST have been older. But his admit note said 22. And I remember peering in his giraffe when he was a few days old and saying this baby shouldn't have been brought down from delivery..........

Specializes in level 3 NICU.

NRP address this and does and excellent job of doing so! Yet some seem to just ignor this section. I really feel alot of the time it is in fear of lawsuits. I do not feel to decision to resusitate a 22/23 weeker should be in the hand of the parents, esp since they have no point of ref, except they want their baby to live. Nobody wants to belive they are miscarring their baby

We have had a few 22 weeker's make it. Only one that I know of has a quality of life, and he has cancer now. For me personally... 28 weeks at least. You?

Specializes in Adult and Pediatric Vascular Access, Paramedic.

So I am a Paramedic and I am wondering what I would do if there was a questionable gestational age. Ie parents thinking 22-24 weeks ( 24 weeks is what we have to recucitate or attempt to in the field). My question is, is there even a way that you could knwo for sure that a baby is 24 weeks gestation or older??


So I am a Paramedic and I am wondering what I would do if there was a questionable gestational age. Ie parents thinking 22-24 weeks ( 24 weeks is what we have to recucitate or attempt to in the field). My question is, is there even a way that you could knwo for sure that a baby is 24 weeks gestation or older??


There is a 2 week give or take unless it is in vitro... that may lead to more vigorous 22 weakers being given the benefit of the doubt.

Specializes in LTC.
A couple of years ago there were two sets of sextuplets born close together (in time) but different parts of the country, one set was much further along and did well from what I heard. The Morrison sextuplets only made it to 22 weeks, I can't find all the information but from what I remember, they were pretty sure on the dates. Only one infant survived to discharge. The last update I read (almost 3 years ago), he was doing "fine". I would love to have a more recent update.

The Morrisons Talk About Losing Their 5 Babies For The First Time : Growing Your Baby

To my knowledge during my time in my busy unit, we have resuscitated very few

The family's blog is here Little Green Pastures

That is pretty amazing, to see him doing so well

So I am a Paramedic and I am wondering what I would do if there was a questionable gestational age. Ie parents thinking 22-24 weeks ( 24 weeks is what we have to recucitate or attempt to in the field). My question is, is there even a way that you could knwo for sure that a baby is 24 weeks gestation or older??


If in doubt, I'd resusitate. But a 24 weeker born in the field is going to have a poor prognosis anyway.

last night in our level 3 unit, out team with over to l&d for a code. it was for a 22 and 3/7 weeker! they coded that poor kid for 50 mins:mad:. has anyone ever heard of this? has any one taken care of an infant under 23 weeks and it lived even an few days. after 26 years somedays i just wounder what is next. how low can we go?!:confused:

i'm mad, too! no baby should be coded for that long after delivery!

Specializes in Pediatrics, ER.

We have been taking care of a 22 week 14 ouncer for almost a year now. He's doing mist, off many of his meds, meeting milestones, and thriving. :)

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