Any starting in Fall 2008

Nursing Students General Students


Is there anyone starting NS in the Fall of 2008 with me?

Specializes in A wide variety.

I am starting the program in the fall of 08 too. In Danville, IL. I just finished microbiology this summer. I have 3 kids, husband and a full time job. Luckily, my job is on the weekend 12hrs shifts so I have time to study thru the week.

Specializes in Cardiac, Derm, OB.

KC hi, I know how you feel I am returning after many years. Always, was some reason or another. Where in Texas are you going? I am in Tyler @ TJC, ADN.

I am starting also at Nassau CC- I am so nervous and excited.

Yes, starting this Fall!! So excited! I actually just found out today that I made it and our registration is tomorrow morning, yikes. I'm 18 years old (yeah, i'm a youngster), so I'm pretty sure I might be the youngest in the program, lol...I'm used to it. I'll be in the Dallas, TX area, so anyone out there...hit me up!

I won a full scholarship for NS. It is through a local hospital, which I have already worked for previously. I am meeting with my clinical coach today and tomorrow. It is going to be great because I know a lot of people on different floors. That will come in handy when I start my Clinicals.

I couldn't sleep last night. Is anyone else anxious to get started?

Does anyone know if you get paid in your last block/semester? As a transient nurse that is. I wouldn't think so, but I was just curious.

Oh and is anyone else using ATI for NCLEX prep?

Wow! Anyone getting their butts kicked already?

Don't you know it!!! When I first started, I thought this isn't so bad. Now, a mere week in and I'm like Holy Canolie! This is crazy! Lastnight in my Care Plans class, I was one of the last to return from a break and I told them the reason why was because I was running toward the edge of campus stripping off my clothes and flailing my arms about screaming "I'm on fire, I'm on fire" when Security dragged me back kicking and screaming :D! We all had a good laugh but man, there is SO MUCH to this and we are just getting started !

:hngon:I'm gonna keep on hanging on though!

My brain is about to bust. I just cannot concentrate today.

My wonderful school does not have AC at the moment and we had to endure a 6 hour Fundamentals clinical lab class. We did occupied and unoccupied bed changes. It was so humid in the room that there was condensation on the floors and walls. Our papers were wet and we were all dripping in sweat. I am beat today.

Now I am getting ready for Health Assessment. It is only a review of Human growth and development. Lets hope my lazy day will not come back to bite me in the butt.

Wow - nothing in the last two years of college prepared me for what nursing school would be like! This is unreal! I have not slept much and have studied more than I ever thought could be possible. The big problem is that I am not sure what to study. I am hoping that we will all figure out "how" to actually study for ns and things might get a little less hectic. I know that I say a whole lot of prayers!


Yeah, our classrooms are uber cold. We are on our P/A labs and will start meds in two weeks. One guy was late today and the instructor had told us that if we were late by more than 10 minutes, she would lock us out. She had like spidey sense and mid-sentence she stopped, got up, slammed the door, and literally a minute later the guy was knocking and she turned him away. Unfortunate for him, funny for us...

Other than that we are murdering trees with all of our handouts and forms, we have like 4 hours of reading and vocab a night, and online tests are having to be done left and right. Otherwise we are all fine and dandy...

I am starting Nurse 1 in Fall 08 in western NY community college also:typing

First official day today....

Basically a continuation of orientation (which was Friday)... lots of forms and general course description. We actually start with material tomorrow, Trends and Roles, and our first test is in a few weeks. Hearing and reading all that we have to do is scary, but many have done it before me and I can do it to. I am willing to make the necessary sacrifices to become a nurse.

Good luck to all!!!

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