Any starting in Fall 2008

Nursing Students General Students


Is there anyone starting NS in the Fall of 2008 with me?

Other than that we are murdering trees with all of our handouts and forms, we have like 4 hours of reading and vocab a night, and online tests are having to be done left and right. Otherwise we are all fine and dandy...

All the paper is UNREAL!!! We are all struggling to find a way to come up for a gulp of air before more paperwork is thrust down on us!! Whats bad is when they say, "Okay, you all have this hand-out, don't you?" For the next five to ten minutes all you can hear in class is a bunch of rustling through our various stacks and stacks of hand-outs trying to find THE hand-out. Then by the time it is found, they have already moved on to something else...:banghead: But I'm still SO glad to be in nursing school!!!:D

I'm also a Fall 08 student and start September 2nd, each day seems to get slower and slower as it I'm moving through weird.

As much as I've read about other peoples experiences that have started already...I still feel freaked about the first week of school. Ugh...just want it to get here already so I can start the count down!!!! LOL

I hope I can keep up with posting when it all gets started, but honestly, it sounds like we won't have time... :(

I'm also a Fall 08 student and start September 2nd, each day seems to get slower and slower as it I'm moving through weird.

As much as I've read about other peoples experiences that have started already...I still feel freaked about the first week of school. Ugh...just want it to get here already so I can start the count down!!!! LOL

I hope I can keep up with posting when it all gets started, but honestly, it sounds like we won't have time... :(

It was the same way for me. I just wanted to start and so the wondering would stop, well, it hasn't... lol! If anything there is more now than ever. I am just so thrilled to be in the program.

Good luck and it will be here before you know it!!:D

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