Published Jul 27, 2010
114 Posts
I plan to apply to have my license reinstated after suspension for dependency and diversion. I have met all the requirements (inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, psychiatric treatment, etc.) but I haven't attended a meeting in over 4 years because it is in conflict with my religious beliefs. I had one brief relapse in 2007 but have been clean, sober and employed (not as RN) since then. Is this a case where an attorney would be especially useful or should I smile and nod for an hour and a half each week while other people in recovery recount their spiritual awakenings?
I feel such resentment. Even prisoners cannot be forced to attend AA as a condition for parole or other special favors and here I am wondering why they get fair treatment while atheist nurses are basically forced to lie in order to have their license returned to active status.
Even if you don't respond, I feel some relief after my brief rant. Thanks. All Over Again :redbeathe
94 Posts
My inclination is to say, you'll probably have to grin and bear it. Maybe stick to lead meetings where you'll only have to sit and listen, and not as much speak/participate.
I'm sure you don't want to defend yourself and I'm not attacking you, but what exactly is the spiritual/religious difference you have with the program? I don't feel pressured towards conforming to others' beliefs, and I know you must be familiar with the chapter to the Agnostics, etc. I understand that the program can be successful along many religions, sects, even satanism, wicca, (Ugh, I hope that isn't as offensive as it feels saying it, I'm not speaking down to agnostics, atheists, I'm just talking about any belief system that is different from christianity or more common religions that have God as its central belief) Maybe if you had a sponsor sensitive to your needs you would still recieve the gifts of the program and not have to compromise what you already believe. It might involve being a little more choosy about who you would pick to work with.
I feel like the program has changed my life, improved my spirituality (even if that wasn't what I was originally looking for) Honest, Openminded (!) and Willing....just keep an open mind that's all. (and I hope that didn't come off as condescending...ugh....internet and worrying about misinterpretations) Good luck!
347 Posts
The words "God as we understood Him" can turn people off to groups such as NA or AA but what you have to take into consideration is that it not just about God. It's about a power greater than yourself. Some call it G.O.D. or good orderly direction. For a while, for me, that power greater than myself was my sponsor, the people in NA, people with more clean time than me, basically anyone who could help me with good decision making. Let's face it, my best decisions got me into the mess I'm in now. Also consider that you don't have to believe in God or in any higher power to be spiritual. There are lots of athiests in AA and NA.
Spirituality is not the only thing you get out of going to meetings. You get a support group, people you can reach out to when you feel like using. You get to hear other people's experience strength and hope, you get to share when you're having a bead day, and you are among other addicts who understand where you're at and where you've come from.
Just try to be openminded and just take what you need and leave the rest. If you don't want to hear about God and spirituality the don't listen to that. Most of the meetings I attend don't even talk about that very much anyway. Every meeting is different so go to some different ones and find one you like.
Chances are you're going to have to grin and bear it anyway so you might as well try to take something from it.
31 Posts
Glad you posted your concerns and questions. It sounds like the BON is requiring 12-step meeting attendance? Will they approve other support groups? I would suspect they just want you attending some recovering support group? I can't imagine they are only requiring 12-step meetings. The key is you need to find a program that works for you.
This idea in a 12-step program, like the others indicated, it's about a "Power Greater than Yourself." That it! Call it what you want! We Drug Heads and Drunks need "Some Thing" other than ourselves because we lack the "power" or "will" to maintain long standing sobriety on our own. We've all tried it and it doesn't work! We need help from something or someone else.
This issue is the most difficult problem most people face when they come into any 12-Step program. The beauty is they don't force anything, any "Power", or any "god" on anybody, or if they do, they are dead wrong!
Besides the spiritual component of the 12-Step program, I get to listen and converse with folks that suffer from the same illness as me. You being a nurse should be able to relate to that. It's an illness and I need to be around others like me, "They understand me and I understand them." Most folks that don't have this disease don't get it, can't relate, and don't have too. We are in a special club! This is one of the reasons why "We Nurses" have this board to help one another. We have much in common, but our disease is a much greater bond.
I wish you well and encourage you to consider what other nurses say with regard to their individual situations and the changes that have taken place in their lives. This board has provided me with much education, advise, strength and encouragement, knowing that I'm not the only one out there struggling with these same issues in nursing. I certainly don't get that from my regular 12-Step meetings. If you haven't already done so, try to find a special meeting only involving health care professionals in your area. I attend what is called a "Caduceus" Meetings of health care professionals in recovery. They are also closed "Nurses Only" meetings. You might want to ask your BON or diversion entity if one is in your area.
670 Posts
There are non 12 Step support groups available, although not nearly as many, which is one of the strengths of the 12 Step system...there are literally hundreds of thousands meetings every week around the globe. You've received some excellent advice so far. As one of my counselors told me during my second trip through rehab still rings true for me today.
"Jack, if you continue to focus on all of the differences of those recovering folks around you, you'll miss the important similarities that can help you get through the tough times."
One person used to remove "God" and replace it with "The Force" (ala Star Wars). Anger and resentments will eat away at you and definitely become huge obstacles to finding peace and remaining clean and sober. A very wise man said (who happens to be a minister, but that doesn't change the wisdom of his statement about attitude ):
The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes.
Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home.
The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.
And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes.
I've provided a list of some additional support groups that are non-12 Step based at the end of this post. Keep in mind it may be difficult to find any local groups since these organizations have a fraction of the membership the 12 Step groups available. Also, the board in your state may or may not approve attendance at these meetings as a replacement for 12 Step attendance. If you are determined to "beat the board's mandate" to attend 12 Step meetings, you'll have the best chance with an attorney.
Addiction recovery is not one of those things we can do alone. Relationships are damaged by this disease. It's been my experience that relationships are in integral part of recovery achievement and maintenance.
Secular Groups:
Thank you all for your thoughtful replies. It isn't really a "beat the board" thing in that I don't feel hostile toward the board itself, just the requirement to participate in NA. There are not many out of the closet atheists in Louisville, so I'm having a hard time finding the right group. I am incredibly lonely though and would welcome the company of like minded individuals with common goals and interests. I just got really burned out on the condescending attitude I got from hard-core steppers. I'm over three years clean with absolutely no desire to go back.
All Over Again
38,333 Posts
I would grin and bear it if I were you. Take what you can, which is credit for participation, and leave what you do not want. I have seen ads for non-religion based groups. Perhaps you can find such a group that would meet your needs without grating on your nerves. Best wishes.
I have seen ads for non-religion based groups.
12-Step programs are not religion based. It is simply a program based upon spiritually and any higher power greater than yourself. Religion is something very specific to a culture or people and has a belief system very specific to them. A 12-Step program does not and that is why it is so successful and attracts millions of people around the world.
Thank you all for your thoughtful replies. It isn't really a "beat the board" thing in that I don't feel hostile toward the board itself, just the requirement to participate in NA. There are not many out of the closet atheists in Louisville, so I'm having a hard time finding the right group. I am incredibly lonely though and would welcome the company of like minded individuals with common goals and interests. I just got really burned out on the condescending attitude I got from hard-core steppers. I'm over three years clean with absolutely no desire to go back.Regards,All Over Again
I listed 12 non-12 step alternatives. Have you liked onto any of those?
Yes, Jack. Thank you. I have sent out a couple of emails and am eagerly awaiting a reply.
If people want to call 12 step programs religion based because they choose to, then they will. My remark was meant to point out that I had seen ads that refer to groups where the ad made claims that seemed to fit the needs of the OP. It was not meant to engage in any debate on the topic of "religion".
187 Posts
I wrote this paper awhile back, perhaps it may help some. Please be gentle if you don't like what I write.
My Quest, In Search of my Higher Power
By Michael
As I start this arduous journey into a long since forgotten place called sobriety I am much like a young toddler as I begin taking my first steps. I have successfully placed a foothold on the first cobble as I have come to realize that much like Bill's story, I am quite powerless over alcohol, and I have relinquished all thoughts of that ever changing. I have found the trestle across the next step to be uncertain for me. That is not to say I am a man of atheistic belief; however, my pragmatic views of the world leave me with a quandary.
By definition, religion is "a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe." Indeed religion and the worship of deity's dates back to paleo-man some 15,000 years ago as the cave paintings of Lascaux France offer evidence to support this. From the first cuneiform writings of the ancient Assyrians, Babylonians, and Persians to the more advanced forms of writings of the Egyptians and Greeks, religious writings have been the cornerstone of all these past nations of antiquity. Anthropologically speaking, much of religion was used to explain the unexplainable such as, great natural disasters or a bountiful crop, but more importunately and quite a common denominator of all these belief systems were; ethics, morality, laws or a code of conduct if you will. Belief in a creator need not be relevant to understand the great wisdom passed down over the past several millennia. I believe I am ready to reach that second cobble, or step as I now know my higher power.
There is an old idiom, "knowledge is power" to be enlightened by knowledge elevates ones power. Sitting amongst all these people that have already traveled the steps I know embark on hold great knowledge to empower me to brave the walk across each step.
Amen and undeniably, I have found my higher power; it is all these souls sitting before me in this sanctuary from addiction. GOD, Giver of Direction.