Any Moms feel overwhelmed?!!?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Specializes in Med-Surg/ ICU.

Ok...who else out there feels overwhelmed at times with the pressure of being in school and being a mom?? I may have bitten off more than I can chew this semester, but hey...I am determined(or stupid:uhoh21: ) Here I am taking a study break at 2 in the morning. I work full time, go to school full time and have an 18 month old, that demands ALL my attention when I am home. This means doing homework after bedtime hours. I am DREADING my micro test tomorrow. I have over 100 notecards full of notes...Have I mentioned that I can't wait for this class to be over!! All I can think of is the day I get pinned and graduate from nursing school. That is what keeps me sane. My whole life I have wanted to be a nurse...don't ask me why I got a BA in something else first. :uhoh21: :uhoh21: My heart goes out to other moms in school as well. Good Luck and I can't wait to hear about everyone getting their acceptance letters, and to those that already have... Way to Go...and to those who were denied....DONT GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAM!!!

Anywhoo, back to studying...any prayers for my test tomorrow are highly appreciated!!!!;)


Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.


I don't have children, so I don't have personal experience with that aspect, but bless your heart, you've got a heavy load with all this! You hang in there. I know last week I was up studying for a test all night. I finally went to sleep at 7 am then woke at 8:30 am to go to class for the test :uhoh21: . Yes, it is rough. Hang in there, and wishing you well on your test!

Specializes in med/surg.

You have a goal and all you are doing is trying to achieve it. Continue to work hard but don't over do it! I am a mother of two 3 and 5, a wife, work full time, and school. You sound just as determined as I am. I think about nursing all day long. I can talk about it all day long. But I have realized that we need to relax some time. Take a day and do something for yourself to relieve some anxiety.

Hi Sarah,

It is diffeniately hard. Have a 6 year old and an 11 year old. Work two twelve hour shifts on the weekends. Do my homework, help them with their homework. Have cryed, kicked and screamed all through this last year. But I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, May 10 I get pinned, May 12, I graduate. Just hang in there it will be worth it.

Penny:balloons: :nurse: :roll

I am also going the same thing. I have a 1 and 3 year old and it is definately a task at managing all of your responsiblites. I am taking chem II, Statistics, American Lit, Human Growth so I am definately getting a run for my money from school, work, husband and children:uhoh3: . I currently have A's in all of them so it can be done. I have to remind myself that i can do all things through Christ that strenghtens me. I know that I have not work this hard only to give up. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. I did not realize how competitive and stressful trying to get a Nursing can be. But We Will Prevail!!!!!Waiting for acceptance letters by first week of April 2006;):balloons:

Specializes in Med-Surg/ ICU.

Thanks everyone for all your words of encouragement!!! I am at work this morning, having 2 hours of sleep last night...and even though I am super loopy this morning, I feel so good and confident for this test. It's amazing how good it feels to be prepared for something. I would rather be tired and loopy, but feel like I studied my all rather than give in to the sandman and feel unprepared!!!;) I love this website, and all the encouragement it offers to those traveling down this bumpy road:nurse:

Ok...who else out there feels overwhelmed at times with the pressure of being in school and being a mom?? I may have bitten off more than I can chew this semester, but hey...I am determined(or stupid:uhoh21: ) Here I am taking a study break at 2 in the morning. I work full time, go to school full time and have an 18 month old, that demands ALL my attention when I am home. This means doing homework after bedtime hours. I am DREADING my micro test tomorrow. I have over 100 notecards full of notes...Have I mentioned that I can't wait for this class to be over!! All I can think of is the day I get pinned and graduate from nursing school. That is what keeps me sane. My whole life I have wanted to be a nurse...don't ask me why I got a BA in something else first. :uhoh21: :uhoh21: My heart goes out to other moms in school as well. Good Luck and I can't wait to hear about everyone getting their acceptance letters, and to those that already have... Way to Go...and to those who were denied....DONT GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAM!!!

Anywhoo, back to studying...any prayers for my test tomorrow are highly appreciated!!!!;)


I hear husband is stationed elsewhere for many more months to come (military), I have a micro test tomorrow, my son has an appt with his orthodontist this morining.....and on and on and on....being a mom and a student is hard

Specializes in ICU, CVICU.

Sarah, you are singing my song! I have a 15 month old and everyday that we are home I just pray that he naps well so I can get some work done. I'm way behind in A&P and my house is a wreck. I think the hardest thing for me is feeling so inadequate. I can't give school my full attention so I feel like a terrible student and I can't give my son full attention so I feel like a terrible mother. Sheesh! I'm spending more and more time here just so I can get some motivation to get me throught it all....


I am a mother of a two year old and a four year old, both boys. My husband is almost never home because he is active duty in the military so I handle everything. I am also enrolled in 6 classes this semester. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed. I think the key to remaining sane is time management. I had to come up with a great plan for my first semester in the RN program because my husband will be in Iraq for 6 months. I have got it to where my kids are going to go to daycare from 7:30 till 4 or 5 everyday except weekends. This allows me time to go to school and clinicals and after school I am able to go to the gym and then I have a few hours left to study at home alone. It's all about being organized and having a positive attitude! You can do it! :cheers:

Specializes in Home Health Care.

I feel overwhelmed every day! I have three girls ages: 3, 8, 10 and by the time I run them around to their sports, after school activities & such, I'm really exhausted. I just pray to make it through each day & test. My fellow nursing student & friend thinks I'm nuts to be putting myself through this torture, because I really don't have to have a job. Knowing that makes it harder. I'm just taking one day at a time and pray that I make it & pass my R.N nursing license.

Good luck to you, may we all get that license!!

I have a 9 and 12 year old...started back to school when my youngest was in kinder. It's been challenging, but the light IS finally at the end of the tunnel. Four more terms to go and I will be done! Just make the most of your breaks, and plan super fun things to do with your kids while you aren't tied down to books. Keep a calendar where you study...I print out a schedule for each week, readings/clinical time/test dates/etc. and as the weeks go by I cross it off. It just allows me to visualize my progress and crossing it off feels good LOL. I also keep another calendar right where I can see it and plan fun dates so my kids can also have something to look forward to.

Yours are much younger than mine, and I know that must be harder for you...I admire you for what you are doing! You'll get there. It goes by me.


p.s. If you want a copy of the excel schedule that I can edit it to your own content...just PM with your email addy...I tried to upload it here but it wouldn't let me for some reason. :)

Specializes in Med-Surg/ ICU.

Just wanted to update everyone...Grades for our Micro test were just posted online, and I got an A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so's our third test, and this is my first A. Thank you everyone for all your words of encouragement. In a month, my husband finally is finished with school. I get the summer to working full time, and all I have left for pre req's is Chemistry. My last day of work is the 28th of can't come fast enough!!!! Hopefully if I get accepted(I find out in about a month) then I will start full time at the end of August...


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