Hi everyone
I was wondering were there any Southeasten University Louisiana "SELU" accelerated of future accelerated students out there. I barely see threads with anyone saying much about the program at SELU. I was wondering how is it so far? Also, as of the past semesters, what was the minimum GPA cutoff? If anyone knows anything, please let me know.
I plan on applying this fall for Spring 2012 semester. I would like to know how are clinicals? (Meaning the times and day). Also, how are you managing the course laod? I know with every person it's different, so I would like to get different perspectives. What are the best supplemental materials/books needed? Are you working while in the program? If so, how are you managing with working? Just any essential information!
I think I am getting really worried because I pretty much used all my student loans for my first degree, so know I am worried about how will I pay for nursing school. I am really trying to get a position at a local hospital so I could possibly participate in a tuition reimbursement program. I am also considering private loans:uhoh3: Any advice????
Thanks for your time. I know this is a lot lol! Oh and the first two paragraphs are for any SELU nursing student. The last is for anyone...Feel free to respond!!!