Published Apr 16, 2014
32 Posts
I will be taking my NCLEX RN tomorrow after few months of study, it will be my 3rd time after being so much devastated and the feeling of discouragement over the last tries of taking the exam. Thank God I was able to get myself back on track again with the support of my friends and family.
This site really helped me a lot. And i wanna thank all of you guys for helping us to be soon a part of your colleague. I need all of your prayers. Please help me pray that this will be the last time i will be taking this. I will do my best on my part. Crossing my fingers that I WILL PASS MY EXAM!
i will be updating you guys with my experience afterwards no matter what!
May 2014
51 Posts
Goodluck, you will be fine stay positive. Do not change questions. Once your mind is on it pick it. It's in your head you read them. Just breathe and stay focus. There was a study guide that I found on this website it really helped me a lot. Almost everything is on that studyguide. But I believe you have already found it by now.If not you will stay pass. Goodluck my friend. May God bless you to stay positive. You have come thus far! Don't give up.
Thank you my friend for the wishes.. I will keep that in mind.. Although yes it truly is my greatest problem ever since.. I change my answer and end up getting the wrong one instead the right one which is my first pick. God bless you too..
91 Posts
You will do great!! Keeping you in my prayers tonight
Thank you! It will be a great help.. :)
29 Posts
good luck! ^___^
36 Posts
Good Luck to you! I will will taking nclex rn next thurs(24)...that will be my fourth try.... Sounds like our stories are similar....Prayers to you! God Bless:)
Thank you so much!
Thank you.. Good luck to both of us then.. I will also keep you in my prayers! God bless you too!
Thanks !!:)
RNfindingherway, BSN, RN
799 Posts
All the best to you charlei09. I will remember to pray for you and all those taking the NCLEX tomorrow and this Month. Please don't over analyze on the exam but read the questions carefully. Go with your gut answer. Remember my friend that the race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong but to those that endured to the end. With God all things are possible. Stay strong!
Endure! Endure! Endure!