Antelope Valley College Spring 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello everyone,

I have just applied to the nursing program at Antelope Valley College in Lancaster. I just wanted to see if anyone else has applied yet. Hopefully we see how this goes.

She was a pretty strict teacher. And her test were no joke. But I felt like her class was beneficial lol. But I wouldn't want to take it again. When did you guys take the TEAS?

Oh nice someone posted spring '16! Krissy i was wondering how did you find your recent number (#50)? Was this updated recently? i could have sworn we were about the same number before haha

I took the TEAS last November, got a 76.7 :( . I was 27 according to the first come first serve list before September but I feel like I may have been pushed back since I don't have points from experience/second language.

Just email Karen, she might tell you to wait until after veteran's day, but she could give you an "estimate".

I took took my TEAS November 18th, last year & got a 70.7 :/ my points suck, so I know I won't get in that way...

So my friend emailed Karen the other day, because I told her she could find out what number she was on the waitlist. Thanks to this forum lol. And Karen actually said not to even think about that number because they are giving the majority of priority to the points waitlist and a small percentage will come from the first come first serve waitlist. I thought you all would like to know. It's not half FCFS and half points.

That's ridiculous! But it's understandable because they're switching to the points system to be like everyone else. @aimeesteele are you friends with Tara Harper?! Lol I was just talking to her about that & she got emailed the same thing!!

Haha yes I am! I messaged her and told her she could do that lol. But only cause of this post. But yeah did you have a class with her?

Lol too funny! I never realize how small our community is until stuff like this happens!! I had Anatomy with her :)

Ohh haha. It is a small community! It'd be awesome if we got in together! Only a few weeks then we will know! I'm totally counting down lol

It would be great to be in the program with you guys!! Lol I have a countdown going, the days just creep by :arghh:

So starting the week of the 8th of November is when the letters are suppose to go out right?!

That's what I've heard from ppl already in the program that started in spring.. Thought I saw something about it in the AVC page..

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