Another Thread for Gas-Passers

Nurses General Nursing


This thread is about the real know, gassssssss. Intestinal, that is. Flatulence. Flatus. Fluffing. OK, farting. And what I want to know is, WHY in God's earth does it hit you so hard in middle age?!

Here's the issue. Up until about six months ago, I never had a problem with gas. Sure, I suppose I produced the usual amount during sleep, when one has little control over such things.......I certainly didn't do it during waking hours, except, of course, for belching whenever I drank soda pop too fast. Now, however, I can barely go a day without having to take Gas-X to remain socially acceptable. I mean, this stuff is EVIL.......not only is it noisy, but sometimes there's a toxic cloud that causes the eyes to weep and the family to hightail it out of the house before it chokes them.

It's SO difficult to remain a lady with this daily battle going on between my intestines and my sense of propriety. When I complained to my DH about it, he simply said, "Welcome to middle age!" Thanks a lot, Mister Eight-Years-Older! Of course, he's been rather, uh, boisterous since HIS mid-40s too, but being a man, he's somewhat insulated from the social opprobrium that I would face if I were to trumpet as raucously (and as frequently) as my innards call for.

So, what the hell is going on? Is it just aging? Is it due to overweight, nerves, a bad diet, or all the Diet Coke I drink? To be honest, I do consume a large amount of the stuff, but all it ever made me do in the past was burp, and while that's not very nice, it's not the end of the world. This, on the other hand, is not only embarrassing, but it's become amazingly difficult to any moment you can hear my poor outraged insides groaning and gurgling, and you don't even need a stethoscope! Some days it's not bad at all, but other days I live in fear of some of these odoriferous emanations escaping, and sometimes I just have to duck into an empty room (at work) or run for the bathroom (at home) and let 'er rip.

Please, somebody, help me before I have to buy stock in the Gas-X company or completely alienate everyone I live and work with!:imbar Thank you!!

Originally posted by mjlrn97

LadyNASDAQ, I see by your profile that you're only 3 days younger than I am:) I'm glad you're not sagging and bagging the way I am......of course, nobody but me thinks that, but *I* know the truth!

I'm intrigued by your post. I've had intestinal thunder and lightning for many years thanks to my brief stint as a bulimic way back in the late '70s (irritable bowel syndrome w/diarrhea), but had never had issues with gas until a few months ago. I have an appointment with my doctor next Monday, and I will definitely be bringing this to his attention, as it is not only embarrassing, but uncomfortable what with all the bloating and cramping that goes along with it.

Thank you for your perspective......I honestly hadn't thought it could be anything really serious. I'm sorry about your old was she when she developed Crohn's? And how did she die from it? I've taken care of many people with Crohn's or ulcerative colitis, and I've never seen any of them die, unless it was from complications (steroids knocked out their immune systems and they came down w/ an opportunistic infection, or a massive GI bleed got them etc.).

I had ulcerative colitis along with sclerosing cholangitits (liver disease). I was diagnosed at 11 years old. The UC stayed calm for a number of years, but 4 years ago, I had my entire colon taken out for fear of colon cancer. I was always getting dehydrated from watery, bloody stools. Creatinine would be as high as 11.0 and Hgb would be as low as 5.0. I continue to get the gas and bloating, but try to keep it under control, which is hard when you want something fattening to eat :D I am glad that you are seeing your doctor. Feel free to ask me if you have any questions.


Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

The dog thing? Kind of reminds me of my dog Fred I had years ago. I hated the way his testicles hung down; just like a bulls. Well anyway, some of those gaseous babies he let were enough to knock out a prizefighter. Pheeew! But his love for me and my kids was pure, which caused us to love him so much.

Well, getting back to what causes mine, I'm currently on 13 different medications, and one of them is to help control the side effects of burping, farting, and the hiccups. The controller lets up on its job sometimes too. That's when horrendous things begin!

A lot of time I feel them coming ahead of time, but sometimes they just sneak out of both orfices without warning, and it seems mostly at the most inopportune time too. Like when I'm in Walmart, a food store, or in a waiting room, etc. Those sneakers are a real embarassment too.:imbar because at any unexpected moment, they can come simultaneously. Then everyone hears a Fart, a burp, and hiccups all at once":imbar

But boy, when they come when my stomach has been rumbling, I definitely feel such relief.:D


Let's face it, passing gas is just a fact of life, everyone does it, even animals do it. Heck, my kids used to make their own bubble baths when they were infants (and I don't mean with soap). People who claim to never fart really crack me up, they probably do it at night while they are asleep then wake up wondering why they're cold only to find the blankets floating at the ceiling. Why do we have to live in a society that frowns on people playing the butt trumpet? To me, farts are proof that God has a sense of humor.

And furthermore, just look at my sig line, "never hold your farts in, they travel up your spine, to your brain, and that's where you get crappy ideas from."


Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

You guys are just TOOOOOO funny!!:rotfl: "Butt trumpet"---that's one I'd never heard before. Around our house, they're sometimes called rump burgers, air muffins, breeze biscuits, or backdoor bouquets......guess we'll have to add this one to our repertoire! Lord knows they happen often enough in a household with three guys who eat like goats----who KNOWS what ferments in their intestines?!----not to mention my 57-year-old sister who swears up & down that she never, ever farts (yeah, RIGHT) and yours truly (who eats Gas-X like candy in order to remain part of polite society).

Yes, I know all the hilarity could be masking a serious problem, but I tend to think I'm just dealing with something that will get better when I change my diet. Now I've got another question, which is, well, sort of indelicate (like this entire subject *isn't*??) but I'm wondering what on earth can make stools the consistency of rubber? Every now and again I do a guaiac test on mine to make sure I'm not having a bleed, as I did have one brief episode in the past, and sometimes the aroma is quite similar. Today, however, the consistency was such that I couldn't even get a sample on the card. What IS that??!:eek: Yes, I AM seeing my MD next week, and yes, this is on the agenda, even though I'm terrified he'll make me go get scoped, and we all know what THAT means............!

GoLytely, anyone?:uhoh21: :uhoh3:

There is yet another new medicine out to help with this problem. It's called Zelnorm. Anyone tried it yet? I hate being bloated every time I eat and every time I bend over you know what happens! This is particularly embarrassing at an elementary school. The kids go ape, they cover their mouths and try not to say anything, but one precocious young lad said" Did you do that?" My mom says that's really not very polite. What do you say? Most of them just giggle.:eek:

I just couldent pass this one up. My DH always thought he could let, "The best farts." (Go figure---they're men.) When he and his buddies would travel to races (he's a drag racer) he would purposely eat several boiled eggs, get Burger King onion rings so he could have the nastiest gas. (Ok- they're HOW OLD?) Anyway, it took a long time 2+ years before I would "let one go" in front of him. But we were coming back from Famous Dave's one night and I had a SBD one. It was so thick, I swear you could slice the air. My DH actually had me pull the car over because he thought he was going to puke.:D From then on, I always remind him that...........I am the king!!!:kiss

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

My 12-year-old is the "king" in our house.......we call him Sir Gaseous. There's nothing that gives him more pleasure than sneaking out an SBD in the car when it's too cold to roll down the windows.....he just sits there grinning as the rest of us choke and gag and gasp for a clean breath!

My sister does the same thing in the car.......only she'll act like somebody ELSE did it, and guess who's the most likely suspect?! My daughters are on to her, though;)

If you're out in public with small children there is no way you can get away with passing gas and not having the whole store know about it, simply because kids don't know how to be quiet about it.

I hid in an aisle at Wal-Mart once with my boys who where about 3 and 4 at the time and tried to sneak out a fart. Well, it came out a little louder than I wanted it too, not loud enough for anyone in the next aisles to hear but loud enough for my kids to hear. As I'm pushing the cart through the store, my kids made it a point to tell everyone we came across that "momma pooh-poohed.":imbar Might as well have put them on the PA system so they could inform the whole store at once instead of having to repeat it a hundred times. :roll

Now my oldest thinks it's funny to walk through a store and let one rip. As if that isn't bad enough, he also feels he needs to tell us what just happened, as if we couldn't hear it. At least my youngest let's it fly out the other end, he just belches real loud. So imagine my embarrassment as I'm walking through the store with one boy farting and the other one belching. Oh Lordy!:rolleyes:

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..
Post #87

Let's face it, passing gas is just a fact of life, everyone does it, even animals do it. Heck, my kids used to make their own bubble baths when they were infants (and I don't mean with soap). People who claim to never fart really crack me up, they probably do it at night while they are asleep then wake up wondering why they're cold only to find the blankets floating at the ceiling. Why do we have to live in a society that frowns on people playing the butt trumpet? To me, farts are proof that God has a sense of humor.

And furthermore, just look at my sig line, "never hold your farts in, they travel up your spine, to your brain, and that's where you get crappy ideas from."

Yep, I definitely agree. It began early this morning with a few short, but LOUD burps, followed by one loud, lengthy, vibrating FART that my caregiver described as, "I could just picture the cheeks of your butt vibrating on that one.":rotfl: Ahhhh, but such relief it does give.:D


Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

I'm wondering what on earth can make stools the consistency of rubber? Every now and again I do a guaiac test on mine to make sure I'm not having a bleed, as I did have one brief episode in the past, and sometimes the aroma is quite similar. Today, however, the consistency was such that I couldn't even get a sample on the card. What IS that??! Yes, I AM seeing my MD next week, and yes, this is on the agenda, even though I'm terrified he'll make me go get scoped, and we all know what THAT means............!

GoLytely, anyone?

WOOOOO HOOOOO! Now we're getting down to business.:D Let me see now. Hmmmm. Had any chocolate pudding lately? That can get kind of rubbery when it sits too long. Or maybe you swallowed some gum, and it mixed with your more DELICATE issue, and waalah! Rubbery POOP!:D


Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Nope, Fran, no chocolate pudding, gum, or ANYTHING I know of that would produce such an effect. I've never dealt with anything quite like it before........and I've done hundreds of guaiacs! Who knows what's fermenting in my GI system?? It's such a joy to have to explain the audible roaring in my belly as I lean over a patient, to say nothing of the violent cramping that results when I hold everything in.........:imbar

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

In all sincerity, mj I hope you get to the bottom of the thing ASAP! Something doesn't smack right with your S/S. So I really do hope you make out alright, and if there is something brewing there, I hope it gets nipped in the bud.



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