Published Apr 9, 2015
20 Posts
Hello all!
I am writing today because in February I received 265 questions to find out I failed and the same results have just occurred again after another 265 yesterday...
I am just at a loss of words and just so confused. I felt much more relaxed this time going into the NCLEX-RN, took my time, took designated breaks. I am just not so sure what else to do because I have never had an issue like this before. I was an honors student in both college and grad school. I have pretty much exhausted all of my resources whether that be from books, tutoring, Kaplan.. pretty much the works.
If anyone has anything advice to share or other suggestions of options, my ears are open to listen. I just kind of feel like I have hit rock bottom and things are slowly falling apart, horrible horrible feeling!
I just want to pass this exam and move on with my life!
281 Posts
Stop relying on your intellect and start relying on your ability to work hard. Stick with ONE study method and follow it all the way to the end. In my experience, the people who say they have tried "all" the approaches (Kaplan, Saunder's etc.) often just jump from one to another as they lose attention span or get bored. That is not a good way to learn. Pick one and stick with it.
Ok, thank you for the advice!! Appreciate it!
100 Posts
Well you aren't sure you failed this time yet...get your quick results first then regroup.....
Unfortunately I do, the BON status says closed. Trying to regroup and refocus now
You can do this! Take the time to grieve, but not too much time! Then look at your report on your weak area and regroup from there! You can do this!
180 Posts
May I ask how you studied or utilized Kaplan? [:
Thanks, yes I plan to do that!! Thanks!
The first attempt, I attended Kaplan. The second attempt, I used LaCharity and the Nurse Project RN. I studied at least 2 hours each day with no distractions, no phone, no bathroom, no drink/water break and really tried to mimic the NCLEX atmosphere. I also used the Saunders book.
what can you say overall regarding nurse project? I just saw them in website.
322 Posts
I'm curious as to how you feel about Nurse Project. Do you feel the workshops helped and worth the money?
I think the Nurse Project organization takes a different approach to answering questions. The sessions are live online twice a day with an instructor, who goes through questions with you one bye one. They really break down the questions and help you identify key words in the stem etc to expand on your critical thinking skills. I thought it was really helpful and it is cheaper than a lot of the other NCLEX prep companies. I am currently reconsidering if I do want to renew my 30 day pass. All I can say is good things about the Nurse Project, I really like their motto of breaking the cycle of repeat test-takers, although I am still apart of that cycle but hope to break it in the next month!! You could always email Joan, the director of it all and she can give you more background as well.