Published Jan 8, 2012
6 Posts
Hello Everyone,
I am very excited about starting school this Spring Jan 11 to be exact. I have been out school for about a year now, and I am finally getting back on track. I am taking A&P 1 this semester and I am very nervous because, I went on rate my professor and looked up my professor and she has horrible reviews. She is the only professor they have teaching this class in the morning and that's the only time I can take this class. I have already started reading and taking my own notes, but I am still anxious. I just don't know what to expect. I saw that someone had started a thread for microbiology so, I thought I would start one for A&P so we could all vent lol during the semester as well as keep up with one another about how everything is going. Good Luck to you all :)
209 Posts
Some good professors i've taken have gotten bad reviews before, so YOU make up YOUR mind when you start the class, since you have no other options of changing. I really believe your attitude can make or break something, so go in with a positive attitude, study hard, and work hard, and you'll do great!!! I went back to school after being out for almost 8 years, had been home with my kids for all those years, and studied hard and I did just fine. Good luck to you!!!
32 Posts
I am starting A&PI this semester as well and like you, a bit nervous. I went to a workshop last week intended to give tips for success. I knew it would be tough, but wow, I cam away a little nervous. But as my husband reminded me tonite, I generally begin semesters wtih some trepidation until I jump in and get a plan of action.
Hello Everyone, I am very excited about starting school this Spring Jan 11 to be exact. I have been out school for about a year now, and I am finally getting back on track. I am taking A&P 1 this semester and I am very nervous because, I went on rate my professor and looked up my professor and she has horrible reviews. She is the only professor they have teaching this class in the morning and that's the only time I can take this class. I have already started reading and taking my own notes, but I am still anxious. I just don't know what to expect. I saw that someone had started a thread for microbiology so, I thought I would start one for A&P so we could all vent lol during the semester as well as keep up with one another about how everything is going. Good Luck to you all :)
Hi WantToBeMidwife,
That's so true attitude is everything, I am going into this semester with a positive attitude. I just really want to do well. Thanks for the advice. Good Luck to you as well
Hi Gillian,
My husband told me I will do fine as long as I focus I am just ready to start. I know we will all do fine :)
3 Posts
Hi ! ... So I took Anatomy & Physiology last semester, I passed with an A- .. The thing is, the professor was EXTREMELY laid back. I was always upset with him, because he joked around TOO much, always went off track... Around thanksgiving, he honestly.. brought a guitar to class and save songs the ENTIRE class and we had to stay or we would be marked absent. He did the same for xmas, he bought everyone donuts/munchkins and plays on his guitar the entire class singing xmas carols....What did I do?... I studied and studied and studied, and ignored it. Because I had a final coming and while everyone else is socializing and giggling and happy they aren't doing any work, I sat there and studied my notes. You'll be okay :)
The key is to always study, and review your notes. It's a lot of information to retain, but you will get it ! Try your best to not slack. And always ask questions, don't be afraid to ask, because you're probably asking something that someone else may want to know the answer to as well.
♑ Capricorn ♑
527 Posts
Ugh! Anatomy! My A&P was broken up into 2 parts. I'd have Anatomy one semester and then Physiology the next. I loathed Anatomy, but I got through it. I hated coming home every lab day smelling like "cat" and chemicals. We were required to wear lab coats and goggles when dissecting the cats, but those nasty fluids get EVERYWHERE! I learned what I needed to learn and found the class informative, but i also had a difficult instructor too. I enjoyed learning about the body and its parts. I didn't particularly like my lab practical exams when we were studying slides of cells. Quite frustrating. I didn't like skinning and dissecting the cats. I was thrilled when the class was completed.
Physiology was much better for me. I had an easier time in that class and enjoyed it so much more than anatomy. Again, in lab it was all about the cells and function. Physiology lectures were more in depth and very interesting for me. I felt I learned more in Physiology than i did in Anatomy. I still had the same instructor, as before, so it was tough but I was enjoying it so it wasn't too bad.
If I had to take either of those classes over again, Physiology would win hands down! I wish everyone the best of luck in those classes. Good luck. :)
227 Posts
I finished A&P I last semester and am starting A&P II in about a week. Honestly it was difficult but in comparison to Microbiology at Rio it doesn't even come close so I'm not too nervous. I study every day and do my best to work ahead so that if I need more time with one part I have the time to spend on it. I really enjoy learning about Anatomy, a friend of mine told me to learn the Endocrine System REALLY well and it will make the other parts easier.
Anyone else taking A&P II?
62 Posts
I am taking A&P1 this semester starting Thursday. I'm hopeful with all the reading I've done on here (thank you!) that I know how to focus my energies for the course. I'm taking a full course load with lots of science, so my main thing is to keep it all straight!
OP, you'll do just fine! Just on this site, there are tons of resources to help you out and keep you motivated--even with a poorly rated professor!
526 Posts
I am taking physiology this semester and I can't wait to start!
icaspe, BSN
127 Posts
I am also taking A&P I this semester. My class starts next Saturday (1/14). I am so nervous. Good luck to all!
Boxer Mama
293 Posts
I am set to start A&P I on January 18th. I am very excited and have already starting reading and making note cards. I have found a few reviews of my professor and they seem positive, but I will just have to wait and see what he really is like. Good luck!