Anatomy & Physiology I/II Summer 2013

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Anyone taking A&P I or II during the summer? I attend a university in Maryland but live in New York so taking a summer class here would be costly with housing so my first plan was to just take A&P I at another university but they told me if I take the first one at another university, I need to take the second one there which makes sense. It wasn't my plan but you gotta do what you gotta do. Anyone else taking this class during the summer?

yeah lets make the A,s back to addicted to A

Earned a "B" in A&P I! Starting my A&P II on Monday. It was an intense first 5 weeks, but looking forward to the next 5.

Yeah back to n back "A"s! I'm so excited for my next class the teacher is supposed to be amazing and gives lots of extra credit!

My uni still hasn't posted grades, but my professor let me know I received an A in lecture and an A in lab for AP I. It is good to finally know.

AP II is much more advanced, which is wonderful because I wasn't being pushed too much to learn how to study. This is going so well, and I have 3 classes going right now, 5 in the fall!

I start A&P II today and the nerves are hitting me all over again!

Specializes in Pediatrics, ICU.

I truly feel like I'm way behind you guys are finishing and we still have 5 more weeks to go. Congrats to all of you that have passed whoo hooo. I however and holding on to my A right now. We took 1st half practical pretty gruesome. Fingers crossed on that one

Specializes in PICU.

After being #6 on the waiting list, I'm officially in, praise God! I started A&P 2 today, so far I'm really liking the professor.

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This summer session blows by!! OMG. I took my first test 100% and hopefully the rest will be the same...but the teacher says today...3 more weeks! Oh my! THat is going FAST!

Specializes in PICU.

I'm loving A&p 2!!!

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First exams for AP II lab/lecture done, and both As. 8 more exams left this term, but I may only have to take 6 (professor drops lowest exam from lab and lecture, so 8 As would mean I don't have to take the last exams in each portion...though I will probably still take them for funzies).

My advice for lab is take pictures of the models. Then print out the pictures, get a marker that is made for pictures and number the areas they will test. Then you can keep retesting yourself. Thats what I did and I would get 98-100s on all my lab tests :)

That is exactly what I am doing. I take my kids to their karate classes and bust open my books to study. I get dinner ready and look at the models on my phone. Every time I have 10 minutes I throw in a few minutes of studying. THat is the key.

4 more weeks for a&p 2..At the halfway mark

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