Published Apr 5, 2011
88 Posts
Okay, so this morning I have sent one home already, even though I did not have a "reason" to. Kindergarten student brings a note from home saying she has an earache and if she gets worse to call. Well at 7:30 am she comes to me with the note I look in her ears, check temp and observe her. Nosigns of redness or distress. I send her back to class. She is back at 8:00 am because she has been crying the whole time and is disrupting class. The only thing is that once she is in my office all crying stops. I go ahead and call mom. Her teacher has just lost her dad suddenly and I know that she cannot handle this. Was I wrong to send her home? There was no redness in her ears,and she is one of my drama queens I feel bad about sending her home but I knew she would be in my office every 30 minutes if I didn't. Why do parents do this? If I tell my child this well guess what they will call home!!! Some days it just isn't worth the hassle!
995 Posts
I think you did the right thing. Everyday, every child, every situation is different. On another day, you may not have sent this one out, but today you did. It's okay.
309 Posts
sometimes its the only thing you can do to save your sanity.... :)
Purple_Scrubs, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,978 Posts
I'm guilty of it. Sometimes if it is "that" student and "that" teacher where I know neither will let up until the student gets a call home...well what is the point in fighting it? I will always give the parent my assessment and let them know that I see no medical need for the dismissal, but I tell them it is their choice to come pick up or not.
Sometimes they opt not to come, and then I ask if they want to talk to the student and let them know that they cannot be disrupting the class. I will also have a stern conversation with the student and let them know that we have already called home, and the parent and I agree that they need to be in class, so I do not want to see them in my office for that problem again and I do not want to hear that they were making a scene in class.
But, most parents will just come pick the kid up anyway :)
86 Posts
If parents send a note like that to school then you know the kid will use it! I will generally let the kid call home so the parents can deal with the problem. The parents created that problem and they can deal with it!
A parent can call the school once the child leaves home or send an e-mail to me or the teacher to give us a heads up if needed.
381 Posts
I am guilty of it. Some days, you have enough strength to stand your ground (September) and some days you just don't (April/May).
206 Posts
I find if a parent writes that kind of note OR tells the kids if they feel bad call home and they will get picked up...that the parents needed a break from the kid and was hoping to get a few hours respite too. I simply say call home and have your parents pick them up. If the parent asks if the kids is feverish etc: I simply say the child wants to go home and you already gave them permission.