Am I the only one who hates 12 hour shifts?

Nurses General Nursing Nursing Q/A

Based on some things I've read on this website, I know that I'm not, but I just cannot STAND how 12 hour work days consume my life! There is no time to do anything besides work on those days and prepare for the next work day. I would be so much happier if I could switch to 8s or 10s or even some combo of 8 and 12s... I need to be able to exercise and take care of myself in order to be happy at work!

Mostly I just needed to rant because I know I can't address this yet as a new grad, but has anyone else felt this way and taken action to get a better schedule? Better hours would make work a billion times better!

I know a lot of nurses that use those 4 days to go to Vegas pretty much every week.

I do not like 12 hour shifts. I work nites and only have energy to sleep on my days off. We work 7 days over 2 weeks and it wears me out.

I think 8 hour shifts are safer for me, in that I'm not so tired that I end up crashing my car after each 12 hour shift. Which is what happened last week. I blew out my front tire on the curb while driving back from work because I was nodding off. This is the first time I've had an actual accident but I've had so many close calls before. Ultimately, I want to work part time, because full time nursing is killing me. If only I could afford it right now.

I worked 12 years doing 8 hour night shifts. When I was forced to work 12 hour night shifts, I lasted 15 months. Sure, you have 4 shifts off a week ... so you can rest up for the next set! How about when they string 6 of 'em in a row over Christmas? "Oh, but didn't you have the week before off?" Bah Humbug! Here's my resignation. :(

Under my union contract, they managed to back 5 12 with each other. Staff were dying on their feet. \The rotations had to change the sick rate was terrible.

All floor nurses work rotating shifts. D/E, D/N, and the 12 hour people do clumps of days, time off and then a clump of nights. We all work every other weekend.

12s were brought into benefit the employer. Fewer staff required equals lower benefits and pensions to be paid.

I'm fortunate to be able to be a part-time nurse. When I do vacation coverage for full timers, I look forward going back to my three 8s.

Specializes in Hospice, corrections, psychiatry, rehab, LTC.

The first time I worked 12s I thought they were going to do me in. I was working rehab nursing, which was physically demanding. I would leave the facility literally numb after my shift. In another environment I got by OK on 12s. My preference - and what I have now - is ten-hour shifts. I like having that third day off that you don't get working 8s, and I'm not dying at the end of a daily dozen.

Specializes in ICU.

One of the larger hospitals locally has the nursing staff doing 7/70 which is 7 days of 10 hour shifts (in a row), then 7 days off. Seven days off, sure ... but how do you think you feel after working a 70 hour work week?

When I was doing my 6 on & 8 off the hardest day was the third day, then they got easier,

I do have to say that being a male helps, my female coworkers spend at least one extra hour per shift just getting ready.

One of the larger hospitals locally has the nursing staff doing 7/70 which is 7 days of 10 hour shifts (in a row), then 7 days off. Seven days off, sure ... but how do you think you feel after working a 70 hour work week?
Specializes in geriatrics.

Yes, 12 hour shifts means nothing but work and sleep on those days. However, working 8's is worse, IMO and I've done both. Eight hour shifts mean you never truly have a break from work for people working full time.

I need a few days off to recover, and having a week or two weeks off by virtue of trading a shift or two is well worth it.

I BEG to have my 12s all in a row! I adore working 6 12s, give me a week beforehand off, and a week after. I agree that day 3 is the worst. Days 1-2 you're still pretty refreshed, day 3 is awful, day 4 is pretty bad too, but you're on the downhill now, day 5, getting brighter, and day 6? So delirious with happiness at the though of being done and having a week off...nothing can bother you that day!

Unfortunately, my union has a rule against scheduling like that, even if we ask for it- we CANNOT be scheduled for more than 40 hrs Sun-Sat. So I only get my preferred schedule when it's my weekend (every 3rd) and then we get around the rule by scheduling me Thurs, Fri, Sat (for week 1) and then Sun, Mon, Tues (for week 2) LOVE it.

Specializes in geriatrics.
Seriously, how many of you who want 8s and currently work daytime 12s would be willing to work the 3PM-11PM shift 5 days a week or work rotating days/evening and nights? If the industry went to 8s, then 1/3 of the 7a-7p RNs would have to switch to evening shift to cover staffing needs... simple math. That means 1/3 of the current day shifters go from having dinner with family 4 days a week to dinner with family 2 days a week. The only alternative is everyone rotates days/evenings/nights.

Exactly the reason for my choice to keep permanent nights, for now. I'm already an insomniac, so rotating shifts will not be healthy for me. Personally, I think rotating shifts is not healthy for anyone. It's either nights or days for me.

Working 11p to 7am just seems like a waste of time, although I do enjoy the eight hour night once in a while.

I see some of the younger nurses working the 3 to 11,

normal hours for them, sleep in and stay up all night

To be young at heart :)

Specializes in LTC, med/surg, hospice.

My dream schedule would be 2 12s and one 8hr shift each week and a PRN if I need to some extra money.

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